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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. I don't disagree about the guns... but that's not what I'm arguing. Move past the guns because @sflufan did... that people shouldn't be able to use potentially lethal force when they are legitimately defending themselves. That's what he's arguing. And no, it is not just guns that make the debate. My cousin did time for unintentionally killing a dude with a punch. ONE PUNCH. It was a fair fight but the guy hit his head, refused to go to the hospital and died the next day. it happens. This debate moved past guns ( which I agree with you guys on by the way) when folks said that the individual should be restricted on how much force they can use to defend their own lives. Also with the seeming perception that we lack the ability to differentiate between legit instances of self defense and wannabe vigilantes who shouldn't have access to firearms. This guy wasn't in fear for his life, he was a trigger happy piece of shit that was looking for trouble and itching to use his gun and the law protected him because fundamentally our laws are fucked up and skewed to preserve the rights of a specific portion of the population... especially in the South.
  2. Cool, but again we're not talking about just guns here anymore. They are saying that an individual shouldn't have the right to defend themselves using potentially lethal force AT ALL regardless of the tool or method. So again, is that what you're arguing? Because I would love to know what mythical utopian land you live in that restricts a person's right to defend their life and the lives of their loved ones. This conversation is no longer simply about guns but about a person's fundamental right to ensure their own survival.
  3. To be fair, I stopped reading when he said he has AT&T Uverse... I used to work for a company that did all of their marketing. Their internet is terrible especially for gaming.
  4. How well does Playstation Now work? I'll be getting the more traditional version of the console myself.
  5. Never had that either... did have a Vetrex though. Karate Champ was the first game I remember seeing to use dual sticks.
  6. Uko Kwais of The Raid is the obvious choice to star... but seriously this movie has been remade dozens of times already in everything but name. They're really just capitalizing off of the title. Casting is gonna be everything and I wouldn't be surprised if Keanu Reeves plays the John Saxon part. Put Chadwick Boseman in the Jim Kelly part and boom... you're done. Cast either Jacky Chan or Donny Yen as Mr. Han (Jet Li would be good too if he's healthy) and David Batista as Bolo.
  7. When my grandfather bought my aunts and uncles an Odyssey then an Atari 2600. I remember playing Pong and Combat for hours. Plus playing games in local Pizza shops until I was old enough to go to arcades on my own. There was one arcade in a very busy, bad area of my city and my mom always told me to stay out of there because she was pretty sure it was a drug front (it was) but I hung out there from Jr high through college any way despite getting robbed there once when I was 13 and getting into several real fights over fighting games lol. That arcade always got the latest games and I was sad to see it close down. I've owned pretty much every home console at some point except for the 3 3D0, Lynx, and the more recent Nintendo consoles after the gamecube.
  8. I actually meant to fully articulate that, my bad. But my point remains the same, if you are defending yourself from an attacker and he dies and the self defense claim is valid, you should be allowed to do so. The problem comes from gun toting cowards putting themselves on positions where they are the antagonists but are able to hide behind defending themselves. See this situation and The Trayvon Martin thing as perfect examples. Bottom line is there are too many guns in the hands of folks that shouldn't have them. But just because that is the case, saying a citizen absolutely does not have the right to defend themselves, potentially with lethal force, is going waaay too far in the other direction. Also it goes against basic human nature.
  9. What? But no one is saying that the individual cannot OWN a car and that right is only reserved for members of the state... is that what you're arguing here? Because that's what they are arguing except replace car with " the right to defend one's self ". I value the collective good, but it cannot come at the explicit expense of the individual. Humans just dont work that way... we're not fucking ants.
  10. So... rather than try and fix it just say that only those same lawmen have the right to kill for whatever reason but citizens dont have the right to lethal force in self defense situations? At all??? That makes sense to you guys?
  11. Except people know all this stuff about her already so unless there's new stuff, she's probably fine. And again, blackface and pedophilia are two entirely different things.
  12. This is where progressives lose the argument. Saying that there should be absolutely no right to lethal self defense defies not only logic, it defies billions of years of evolution. Again why are we behaving as if we have no ability to adjudicate situations on a case by case basis and apply reasonable levels of justice. Jesus Christ...
  13. This guy didn't do that... the husband was backing away and he still shot him. The threat had ended yet they said lethal force was still appropriate.
  14. So if you got into a fist fight on the street your FIRST option is to shoot someone? Not every brawl or altercation on the street is a life and death affair for Christ's sake
  15. It's unfair to ask people to make these split second calculations... but perfectly reasonable to give these folks the option to use lethal force?
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