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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Anything I should check out? Any food recommendations?
  2. Oh yeah, I remember that... that's why the remasters were so borked. I think I still have my original disc for the first game somewhere.
  3. Canada does NOT fuck around when it comes to immigration. My gf's brother got deported from there.
  4. I used to spin house too back in the day... hilarious. I'm basically living my dream to be honest... I'm making a living doing what I went to school for and I'm dating the girl of my dreams. I'm still editing and producing rather than writing and directing, but I make a decent living so I'm cool.
  5. I know you can do that, but I'm talking about games that you already own in your digital library and no longer want/play... I have a couple of games I want to gift to my niece and nephews.
  6. I've been playing Vanquish. always wanted to play that game
  7. I shower AT Least once a day although sometimes if I'm in a rush, I'll pull a "cowboy" and just wash at the sink When I can, I almost always take a shower after taking a dump though...
  8. My grandfather used to drink the shit out of Pepsi... he would pour a bag of peanuts in his bottle and go to town lol
  9. Let's be real, comic do that shit all the time... how many Captain America's have there been? Or Green Lanterns? When John Stewart and Jim Rhodes replaced Hal Jordan and Tony Stark respectively, comic fans went along for the ride. Maybe there were some grumblings, but they were restricted to the letters page and without an echo chamber created by the internet, those characters were allowed to develop and eventually become beloved characters who developed fans in their own right. Same with Monica Rambeau who became the first female Captain Marvel. Fans back the just read the books and judges the characters and stories on their merits... not today's entitled man babies who dismiss shit outright without even trying it first. X23's run as Wolverine and The Female Thor arc were two of the best things Marvel has done on recent times. The problem is fans didn't really give those books and characters a chance and saw any attempt at diversity as a threat despite the quality of the execution. Some fans may legitimately be bothered by characters being changed for whatever reason, but my thing with those "fans" is that they clearly don't know comics or haven't been reading long because comics have been doing this for as long as I can remember. I don't even really understand what " forced diversity" even means... the world is diverse and comics should reflect that reality.
  10. Jason Statham's remake of Death Race 2000 is basically Twisted Metal the movie
  11. It was a toothless action. They did it right before the recess and there's no way they try anything in September with the midterms so close.
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