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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. It's almost like there aren't any historical precedents for groups using this type of fear to justify horrible atrocities or something... like the actual Nazis themselves. Racism at any degree leads to bad things happening and no... "we're not all racist ". We all may have some prejudices and we all may have some fear of the unfamiliar, but that's different from racism.
  2. People who have quibbles about the amount of destruction in Man of Steel have literally never read a comic book in their fucking lives... seriously. Cities get destroyed ROUTINELY in superhero slugfests, especially in the Silver age. I never understood this critique.
  3. Yeah I forgot to mention that score... freaking amazing.
  4. On my way to see this in an hour or two... birthday treat from my lovely lady.
  5. Oh Pa Kent's whole position in this movie was fucked up for sure. But the fight scenes had a Dragonballz quality to them and showed what's Supes would look like fighting someone as strong as he is. Yeah but the Kent's don't come across well in these movies at ALL.
  6. Plus Superman has killed Zod before in the comics. That was a minor quibble... the internet not really knowing what the fuck it was talking about once again.
  7. With Justice League on cable, I decided to rewatch Man of Steel. I always thought it was just an "okay" movie... not bad but not great. I'm revising my assessment. Man of Steel is a legit good movie and a great take on the Superman story. It may be darker than we may expect from a Superman movie but it's nowhere near as bleak as Batman vs Superman which leaned too heavily on The Dark Knight Returns. Henry Cavill is a GREAT Superman and while DC has been overshadowed by Marvel in the movie department, I sincerely hope they don't give up on their shared Universe. Batman vs Superman, Suicide Squad and Justice League were all products of a studio wanting prematurely ape Marvel/Disney's success. Man of Steel and Wonder Woman give me hope that DC's characters will get the justice they deserve on the big screen.
  8. Neither of those are considered "Blockbusters" Those are basically big budget B-movies. Neither will get the kind of marketing push a true Blockbuster will.
  9. That's actually already started amongst hardcore Trump supporters... remember Putin's approval ratings have gone UP in the Republican party.
  10. Yeah they've kept that in their backpockets since the beginning.
  11. She's been working. She played Kris Jenner in the People vs O.J. Simpson. I've seen her in stuff every now and then.
  12. Definitely might check this out tonight... 100 dollars is cool. We spent 400 dollars last night on dinner and drinks for 2.
  13. 8 episodes is fine for me... too many shows to keep up with as it is. I can watch this one weekend and enjoy it and be done with it until the next season lol... I have waaay too many shows on my DVR as it is
  14. Damn you reminded me I have Nier Automata unplayed and unopened lol... I want to finish some games at least before the fall gaming rush hits
  15. Wish I could, leaving Monday. We're literally on the plane now lol May check that out.
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