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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. I fully expect some users in this thread to put their money where THEIR mouths are and not support any Disney/Marvel/Pixar films or projects moving forward... you know, for morals and stuff.
  2. Damn you're damned if you do and damned if you don't these days... best to keep your mouth shut because someone is gonna find SOMETHING to bitch about regardless
  3. Damn I could have been playing this this weekend, but I forgot all about it.
  4. The T-800 did the same thing... it role played as Sarah Connor's mom.
  5. I saw it the other night, definitely one if the best modern American action films to date. Not quite on the same level as Mad Max, but definitely in the same conversation. they've also set this series up for at least two more films. Crazy that this series is over 20 years old... and that Tom Cru cruise is FIfty Six.
  6. The script for the Raid 2 was originally for an entirely different movie and the producers were... forced to make it a Raid sequel after the success of the first movie. So the director basically shoehorned in elements to tie the two movies together. THAT'S why The Raid 2 "feels fat" compared to the first film... it was never supposed to be connected to the first movie. And while I also place the original Terminator film over the second film, it's mostly due to tone... The first film was indeed a horror film while the second is more of straight up action movie. However there's nothing "Fat" about T-2... that film moves from start to finish and the weakest thing about it is Edward Furlong as John Connor. There's a reason why that film is often cited as one of the best action films ever made.
  7. I think it is... it's going to be free to play when it releases and there's a two hour trial so there's no reason not to try it.
  8. and you know that's what happened with this movie, how exactly? Oh and Mad Max says hellooooooooo!
  9. I thought about doing something similar... bravo. I'm playing Ghost Recon Wildlands and God of War. Would like to finish those by the end of the month.
  10. I had issues with it, but I NEVER thought it was a "gigantic piece of shit"... that's just hyperbole. I always thought it was a flawed yet entertaining superhero flick that may have been a little darker than it needed to be. My issues with it always stemmed from how the Kents, particularly Pa Kent. Also the complete lack of concern for Clark's secret Identity which by the end of the film, made you think he no longer had one. Film is fine and Cavill is a great Superman.
  11. New survival game from the Arma Devs in early preview on Xbox. I've been playing it the last couple of days and it has potential. Still a work in progress and they need to add more game modes but the game definitely has promise.
  12. Yup... because using brown and black people to demonize social programs designed to benefit everyone is a time worn tactic. I was just talking about this with a friend yesterday.
  13. Because we've somehow entered an era where calling a racist a racist is more offensive than racists doing and saying racist shit. It's crazy.
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