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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. I replay games I love all the time... I plan on replaying Red Dead Redemption before the next game comes out.
  2. I was home visiting my family recently and not only was my teenaged nephew OBSESSED with Fortnite (he's 13) he and his sisters clowned PUBG every time I fired it up to play it. Mind you when Fortnite first hit consoles, I was home visiting as well and I was his first introduction to Fortnite (which he gleefully gives me credit for) He also saw me play PUBG when it first came out. These younger kids just don't give a shit about PUBG the way they care about Fortnite. This kid literally played Fortnite all night one night and didn't sleep at all until the next day. So yeah, Fortnite is a phenomenon in the truest since and is fucking huge. Being free on consoles was a very smart move for them.
  3. A fun, entertaining superhero show that is better than Marvel's TV shows?
  4. Who would have been better? She's attractive, can act and can do action. Her being queer is a bonus. I can't think of anyone who would be better to be honest.
  5. You see John Wick 2? She was the mute Assassin character he fought. She was also in Orange is the New Black and she will be in that shark movie The Meg. She's bisexual in real life and is also gender fluid I believe.
  6. I saw this earlier... pissed that I may have to pony up for another streaming service.
  7. She looks like a real life anime character... in a good way.
  8. Again, you're conflating jokes written in the context of performances or sketches with some dude's Twitter feed which wasn't a performance or a sketch. Just the weird ramblings of a middle aged man. Also his "jokes" about little boys weren't one-offs. They, like Roseanne's Ape thing" were part of a larger batch of "jokes" that he had posted. I actually like ATHF and think that Hand Bananna episode is funny as hell... but that is a WORLD of difference from a show that is silly as hell and offensive soem guy posting random shit about little boys touching him. If you think that's funny, hats off to you. Most people didn't think it was funny and since Gunn isn't and has never been an actual comedian, and these "jokes" weren't part of a routine or piece that he wrote, he couldn't and has not made the argument that you are trying to make... that everything is sacred when it's done for comedic purposes (which is bullshit) Sure comedians come in all forms... but they all have one thing in common. They're funny. But since Gunn isn't a comedian and hasn't tried to hide behind the comedy shield, I'm not sure why YOU are. He isn't defending his "jokes", he completely moved past them.
  9. Not if you're a "comedian" apparently... (even though Gunn isn't a comedian and never has been one)
  10. Being a grown man who knows the difference between being funny, clever and maybe a little provocative and being a child who thinks that just saying offensive shit is funny for its own sake has EVERYTHING to do with it. No offense but I'm starting to think that maybe YOU don't get what comedians actually do if you think that all they do is say offensive shit and try to get people to laugh. I don't get why you're choosing to die on this particular hill. If you don't get why Gunn's jokes crossed a line then maybe you don't think Roseanne crossed a line either? and She's an ACTUAL COMEDIAN.
  11. Shit I think what he said was weird and unfunny but I have no problem with him being rehired. I also have no problem with Disney NOT rehiring him. Folks are trying to make this some kind of culture war issue when it really isn't and it's hard to really paint Gunn as some kind of victim.
  12. Yeah and James Gunn ISN'T A COMEDIAN. These "jokes" weren't part of a routine... they were part of a grown man's Twitter feed. A grown man who, like you said, was trying to be provocative in the most simplistic and unimaginative way possible. I like raunchy humor too but this wasn't raunchy and it wasn't humorous which is the biggest sin you could make as a joke teller.
  13. There's a LOT of Guardians characters they can use... and Rocket and Groot are C.G.I. Changing there' voice actors wouldn't be too hard. You really think any of these guys are irreplaceable? After all the Batmen, Supermen, Spidermen and Hulks we've had over the years not to mention Dr. Whos, Sherlock Holmes' James Bonds' and Robin Hoods, I don't see how anyone could possibly think ANY actor is irreplaceable in these types of roles. Hell with the exception of Robert Downey JR., Marvel deliberately casted so that they COULD replace the actors if they needed to. Their strategy has always been the characters are the stars, not the people playing them. That being said, I'm sure Gunn will get rehired any day now and if he takes the job (He probably shouldn't to make a statement) no one will remember any of this. I think there is a lot of moral high-horsing going on in this thread though especially regarding how Bautista chose to voice his displeasure which I'm sure his agents and representatives were NOT happy with. He is NOT an irreplaceable member of that franchise and his last appearance as the character showed him dying. Disney COULD just chose not bring him back so his statements were not nearly as cavalier and risk free as some of you guys seem to think. He pisses off the wrong person at Disney/Marvel and his option isn't renewed and he's on the Unemployment line with Gunn.
  14. You seemed to imply that a lot of comedians joke about rape and pedophlia... also, when was James Gunn a comedian? Did I miss something?
  15. Which they probably will... AMC has kinda given them the greenlight to do so with rehiring Chris Hardwick.
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