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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Playing primarily God of War, Vigor and Ghost Recon Wildlands... just stumbled across the Predator mission in Ghost Recon So cool.
  2. This games looks fucking awesome, specifically the car combat stuff.
  3. White Nationalists are winning because of decades of mainstream apologists shielding them and their ideals. Years of "Racism is over" and "Liberals need to stop playing the race card" (when calling out racism usually) gets us where we are today. Now everybody is waking up saying "Hey, these guys really are racist!" when folks had been shouting that shit for years.
  4. So was Robert Downey Jr and he played Sherlock Holmes. Britts play American Heroes all the time.
  5. I need to watch those... guess I know what I'm doing this weekend.
  6. I think I way have missed the previous season... weren't there new episodes around May/June?
  7. Fargo is one of the best shows on TV... cant wait for season 4.
  8. Yeah I never said it was touched on "a few times"... a gave you a few examples. it was a consistent thing when I was reading X-books actively... I can't speak to what's going on now with those books because I haven't read them, but it was always a thing that was present in the comics when I read them. Others who are long time readers can back me up here. And YES, The FF have had other good runs outside of the original Galactus Arc... John Byrne's run is a classic and so was Jonathan Hickman's run more recently which led into the Secret War event.
  9. More reporting on folks trying to bring Gunn back into the fold Seems like The Marvel folks want Gunn back...
  10. You and pretty much every other comic movie fan... that said, I'd settle for just the Fantastic Four.
  11. Actually no... The X-men used to tackle this issue regularly during Chris Claremont's classic run and used to ask the question all the time why The Fantastic Four and the Avengers were treated as heroes and celebrities while the Xmen were treated as 2nd hand citizens and pariahs even though they did the same thing. Mutant Hysteria. like real life racism, made very little sense once you got down to it but that's the point of racism. This issue wasn't ignored when I was reading Xmen comics but I haven't touched an X book in at least five years or so so I have no idea how they handle it now. Shit, Spiderman was even accused of being a mutant because no one knew WHAT he was under the mask. In the classic Marvel U, there was a difference between how citizens treated known, non-mutant super powered people and Mutants and that was based a lot on the Mutant hysteria that folks like Magneto initially fed into.
  12. Reiterating the same point you made before isnt answering the question. You said you felt like it would make for less compelling stories. I asked why and based on what, meaning I wanted you to elaborate your point. If you chose not to do so cool.
  13. Based on what exactly? Marvel has already combined Extraterrestrial, Supernatural and mythological elements in their shared universe... a feat that a lot of folks didnt think was possible. Why would we think they wouldn't be able to incorporate mutants in to their shared universe especially when there's decades of precedent? The evidence in front of us would say otherwise especially since Fox's Xmen universe has already introduced time travel and will be introducing both extraterrestrial elements and Supernatural elements in upcoming films.
  14. Yet Marvel seemed to be able to make it work in the comics (you know where all these ideas were actually born from) for over 50 years. They could definitely make it work especially if they tie in the appearance of Mutants as somehow being a result of Alien activity in the MCU (or however they try to explain the appearance of mutants) There's definitely room in the MCU for mutants.
  15. I replay great games all the time... I replayed Dragon Age: Origins six times, beating the game with each race and origin, I replayed Dragon Age 2: three times, The Mass Effect Trilogy I've replayed with a character in each class, making different choices. I beat the Witcher 2 twice, Beat the Witcher 3 Twice, have marathoned the Halo games everytime a new one is about to drop... I like replaying games because sometimes games will "click" on the second playthrough as you get better at the game and the game shines even more. Sure there are a LOT of games to get through but I'm not in a rush to beat them. I like to savor games.
  16. What are you basing that on? She was fine in John Wick and she was critically acclaimed in Orange is The New Black... you know something I don't know?
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