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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. What Developer makes the best open world games?
  2. Why would that be called a gameplay trailer? I'm all over this game but there was little to no gameplay in that trailer at all.
  3. and yet you chose to do it in the most divisive way possible either because you don't really know what you're talking about or you don't really give a shit. If you really cared then there are other ways to show it rather than imply that one underrepresented minority is being prioritized over others. I can tell you FOR A FACT that when black films succeed, other monorities in Hollywood look at it as INSPIRATION rather than what you tried to insinuate and that monority groups are working together behind the camera to ensure all our stories get told. I just came back from a meeting with a Black Production company off of a recommendation from a MEXICAN colleague of mine. So yeah...
  4. Not true at all... plenty of folk in Hollywood across the board are pushing for more representation and not just more BLACK representation. Like this sister right here who I know PERSONALLY https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/08/sorry-to-bother-you-nina-yang-bongiovi-forest-whitaker-boots-riley-producer She's produced a bunch of African American themed films with Asian sources and is looking to further diversity for women and OTHER ethnic groups as well. Yes, White people tend to think that "diversity" simply means "let's get a black face or two" but most ethnic groups in Hollywood are working together more than you think to push diversity for ALL groups. Stop trying this "divide and conquer" shit... no one is falling for it.
  5. Only certain movies... my girl recently introduced me to several classic rom-coms that I had deliberately never seen before and I was pleasantly surprised. I in turn am planning on introducing her to a few of my classic favs.
  6. Btw, they are absolutely incongruent positions to hold because if his jokes were simply "just jokes" and shouldn't have been judged as being offensive or out of the mainstream then what exactly did he need to apologize for or grow from? You cant have it both ways.
  7. *bookmarked for the next time a Republican's history of racist/homophobic/misogynistic comments come to surface.
  8. Does it? Jerking off in front of a bunch of people, particularly children isnt assault? It should be if it isn't.
  9. So which is it with Gunn exactly? Should we be applauding him for growing up and letting go of his weird preoccupation with child rape and pedo-humor and forgive him since he's now a "changed man"? Or should we not be making a big deal of those jokes at all and leave him alone since, because he was just making harmless "jokes", there was nothing for him to be sorry for anyway?
  10. Ok so if he wasn't at a pedo-party but at a "costume party" where everyone was white but were in blackface, that would be cool too? Why is it so out of the realm of possibility for some of you guys that some of us find child rape inherently unfunny and offensive?
  11. I wouldn't be opposed to that... although a Middle Eastern Bond would probably make more sense given London's make up. John Cho? No lol.
  12. This and Spiderman are my two big September games. That's my I want to finish God of War and Ghost Recon this month.
  13. I'm sure he would know what to expect given the backlash when he was cast as Heimdall, Roland The Gunslinger, and as the romantic last opposite Kate Winslet in that Romantic Drama they did last year.
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