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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Okay so Roseanne's offense was worse because it was directed at a specific individual? I remember when Sam Bee directed a misogynistic comment at a specific individual not even a WEEK after Roseanne's gaffe and a lot of you defended her as well. The false equivalency seems to be based on whether "If I like the person who does the offensive thing, I will defend them until my dying breath"
  2. Tom Arnold has been saying for YEARS it exists... people I know who worked at NBC says it exists... IT EXISTS. Mark Burnett has a gag order on it though and if it leaks, whoever leaks it will have a million dollar fine staring at them. It's out there and if it comes out it will change... NOTHING. EDIT: He also is on tape sexually harassing a camera woman and a makeup artist I believe.
  3. And a vast majority of white people in this country legitimately think that race isn't an issue and that black people are just overly sensitive about race even though we deal with the ramifications of it everyday in ways they don't or can't understand We elect a clearly unqualified bigot who not only didn't hide his bigotry, he made it a feature of his campaign. Neo nazis and White Supremacists get emboldened, his rallies regularly featured racist signs and homophobic signs, but it's the Economy stupid (and the economy wasn't that bad when he got elected)
  4. NOW you're getting it... to me if they REALLY wanted a Bond that reflected modern times, they would cast an British Bond of Middle Eastern decent rather than a Black Bond (although I'm not opposed to that) OR... a Bi-sexual Bond
  5. It's cool... I know I can come across a s more confrontational than I actually intend to be sometimes. I definitely wasn't being "emotional" though... "Economic anxiety" has been used as a cover to justify blatant racism in this country since the Jim Crow years and I'm still a little surprised to see people actually make that argument especially now when it's so out in the open
  6. LOL, ok I'm getting emotional and creating straw men? I know you don't like being challenged and normally we agree on 99% of shit but you're gonna go there? That's some condescending shit right there I'm not saying it didn't have an effect either... I'm saying it's being overstated once again to disguise what REALLY appealed to a lot of white voters about Trump. Until people wake up and admit that and stop making excuses for it we'll never be able to deal with it.
  7. Obama and the Dems regulated the banks... The Republicans DEREGULATED them taking away a lot of the protections that would prevent another collapse. Nothing will ever get fixed if people take that attitude.
  8. Well since I have friends who work IN THOSE FACTORIES and are actually in those Unions and they can tell you first hand how pervasive a lot of those racist sentiments are in organized labor, the same organized labor that historically was used to keep minorities OUT of lucrative blue-collar jobs (Google racism in organized labor) it's not that hard of a stretch. If YOU are still making the argument that Trump's appeal was economic and that it was just coincidental that we elected an openly racist, mysogonistic, unqualified TV star with NO GOVERNMENT experience AFTER the first Black President in history who was also running against the first serious female candidate in American history then I don't know what to tell YOU. Pure coincidence.
  9. Meanwhile Trump and The Republicans are going about the business of deregulating those same bankers... Getting rid of a lot of the regulations that Obama and the Dems put in place. EXACTLY what they said they would do. This makes sense to you guys?
  10. So... because the previous President didn't support a disjointed and pointless movement that accomplished absolutely nothing and didn't sustain itself (OWS), Blue Collar Democrats who typically belong to organized labor in the midwest decided to vote for an openly racist, mysogynistic reality TV "billionaire" who belongs to a party whose main tenant is to destroy organized labor effectively voting AGAINST their own interests? We're still going with that?
  11. It was pretty clear from what I've heard that the tape exists. It could drop tomorrow and his approval numbers would probably go UP with his base and Republicans
  12. I love that Beebo is now a thing I need to go back and finish that season.
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