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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. *Translation: "I like Sam Bee and James Gunn so what they do is okay, but Roseanne and any Republican who does something similar can go right to hell". It's cool... I've seen this before, I remember calling Bill Maher out on this board a while back for his racist bullshit (long before his N-word gaffe and before Ice Cube took him to task) and I was shouted down be well meaning posters on this board too. What you guys fail to realize is that all of the clever rationalizations and differentiations that you come up with to defend the bad behavior of your favs, the "other side" does the same thing and the feel just as justified and righteous as YOU do. I try to be consistent in calling out bullshit when I see it. The funny thing is, as I've said I don't know Gunn and have never met him but I know guys who do and while they defend him, they have also said that there's even MORE problematic shit that he has said and done out there that hasn't gone public yet. But yeah, keep defending one joke over another... A lot of the arguments you guys are making to defend Sam Bee are the same ones folks use to defend Roseanne. I've even heard some of these same arguments used to defend TRUMP. So in summation, what we've learned is that on Dayonepatch, Jokes and insults about race? BAD (except when they are made by someone we like on The Left)... Jokes about child rape and insults based on gender? O-TAY! Got it.
  2. What's the timeline? How far before the original series does this take place?
  3. The part where the Irish come in to fight with the British against the Scots and they betray The Brits on the battlefield. It was a cute scene in the movie but it was completely idiotic. EDIT: I just watched the movie recently
  4. Yes but the Irish were their allies against the British... The Scots I mean. That scene always bothered me by the way...
  5. I can't believe that some Federal laws weren't broken... also if SHE could record shit in The White House and Trump, Who else could? She's not exactly Jason Bourne.
  6. I don't think Mueller would be prosecuting though... Sessions and the Justice Department would, right?
  7. You guys realize Omarosa is probably gonna end up in jail right? I can't believe she hasn't broken some laws in recording the President and others IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
  8. Yeah and Sam Bee wasn't joking when she called Ivanka a cunt... didn't stop a number of you guys from defending that though.
  9. and yet the internet STILL was pissed that there was a "Black Spiderman" even though he was an entirely different character... same Thor, Wolverine, Captain America, The Hulk, Superman (The Val Zod version), Storm Troopers...
  10. Nothing about Blade necessitates him being black or even being a dude, so an Asian or female Blade wouldn't be a problem. Black Panther is different since he's you know... an African Prince. There HAS been a female Black Panther though so...
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