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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. None. I haven't read a movie review since college. True film criticism died a LOOONG time ago.
  2. It was never a mystery to me... it was pretty clear based on the narrative of the film. The Internet just over thought it and Nolan let them
  3. Oh yes... The Last of Us definitely! Forgot about that one. The Arkham Games are dame good in this regard as well.
  4. I'm gonna introduce her to True Romance. I think she'll like it though she hates violence.
  5. Video game criticism has always been a joke and film criticism isn't much better.
  6. I'm currently playing God of War on PS4 and I'm constantly impressed by the camera direction in the game particularly the seamless integration between Gameplay and in game cutscenes and it got me thinking about camera work in cinematic games, an under-appreciated aspect that is invaluable to the overall immersion of the game. The current Tomb Raider series and the Uncharted Series also have great camera work and I was wondering what other games you guys thought had great camera work. Hopefully you'll name some games I haven't played and would need to check out.
  7. Lol my buddy cut a trailer and some spots for this a couple of months back. I was wondering what happened to it.
  8. Not surprising given there's more than likely more shit out there that can be used against him. Shame.
  9. DAMN IT! I knew I forgot one! In fact I meant to put Insomniac instead of Sucker Punch because I always get those two mixed up for some weird reason
  10. Nah... it's dem wimmen folk. How do I know? Because every Troll on the internet said as much seconds after the trailer was shown during E3.
  11. Yeah he's a ruthless son of a bitch. one of the best TV villains in recent memory.
  12. Yup... I remember playing that and Doom back to back within a week of each other. Two of the best FPS Campaigns I've played in a long time.
  13. I'm starting to believe that games should get either shorter or adopt a more episodic approach. I still barely have a couple of hours in origins. I put damn near a hundred hours into Shadow of War
  14. The RNC is paying some of this stuff... others are being paid by Trump friendly super pac. CNN had a chart yesterday talking about it. Oh and guess who was in charge of the RNC finances for a period of time? Michael Cohen. Edit: Here ya go https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-trump-aides-often-find-a-soft-landing-for-staying-quiet/
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