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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. I was big into mythology when I was a kid so I always loved he God of War series for that reason. Seeing them branch out now into other mythologies is awesome. This topic is timely for me because I am currently playing through the game right now and loving every second of it. It's Witcher 3 Good... for real.
  2. I think Egypt would probably be the next logical setting.... they have a rich mythology that hasn't been explored that much in pop culture. They REALLY got the combat right in this game. I can imagine it took them awhile to translate the old GOW combat gameplay into this new system but they really nailed it. This is the most FUN I've had playing GOW and I've played and beaten the previous trilogy. Never played the psp games.
  3. What they should have done was ended on a freeze frame of Cap and the surviving Avengers and then put in bold letters over the image " TO BE CONTINUED" like they did on old school 70's shows... for storytelling purposes. They could have even had a narrator read the words out for extra emphasis.
  4. Honestly for me, most game's prior to the PS1 era don't really age that well. I remember being burnt out on side scrollers during the SNES/Genesis era so the shift to 3-D really helped keep my interest in gaming going. I do remember trying to go back to Perfect Dark several years after it was out and absolutely LOATHING it despite loving it before,
  5. Saying that the movie "stops" instead of ending misses a key point... The Avengers, Guardians, Dr. Strange, Spider man, The Black Panther... NONE of these guys were the protagonists in this movie. THANOS was. He just happened to be the bad guy. The film ended with him accomplishing what he set out to do in the beginning of it. If he were a "good guy" no one would have bat an eyelash (I don't think many people did anyway, as anyone with a third of a brain knows there are more films coming out) But yeah, If you think about the film as Thanos being the main character (as Feige and the Russos said he was well before the film came out) this... critique falls apart even more than it already does. Why do you guys think the film ended with the title on black "Thanos will return again"? They've never done that before for a non-main character.
  6. People don't understand what cliffhangers are now? The Empire Strikes Back wasn't subtitled "Star Wars part 2"
  7. Oh shit, how could I have forgotten about the Mother Fuckin' Normandy from Mass Effect?!
  8. It has an end... you have to successfully defend all your fortresses. They did add some more content a few weeks ago though.
  9. I've explained it in other threads but basically I don't find much use for a lot of critics and what passes for "criticism" these days. I'd rather see a film myself and then discuss it with friends then read what some dude I don't know thinks about it. A good friend of mine used to review films for Slash film, now he's at Io9.... I'd rather meet up with him and talk about films in person then actually read his reviews I could go into more detail about why I feel this way... but I don't want to to derail the topic anymore. Needless to say, I have little use for modern "criticism" of any art form.
  10. I liked Tomb Raiders Campfires a lot. Also the Bat-Cave in Arkham Knight was pretty cool...
  11. It's a Red blend and it's damn good. I had it at our company Christmas party 6 or 7 years ago and it's blown up in popularity since. When me and the lady were in NYC last month we had a bottle with friends. Everyone loves it. I came across this article when I was searching for stores that sold it in Manhattan. https://vinepair.com/articles/prisoner-wine-red-blend-history/ It's a damn good bottle of Wine and worth the 35-40 bucks in my opinion.
  12. I'm still playing GoW... so fucking good.
  13. Damn... he doesn't even know the guy's name. Unless he thinks his name is "Christian Pastor"
  14. Hellblade is pretty short from what I hear. I started it but got stuck on an annoying puzzle and put it down. Was really into it up until that point.
  15. Me and my lady drink a ton of wine... I had a nice glass of Cabernet last night to finish the night off after the whiskey This is one of our current favs right now https://goo.gl/images/Uc6QBM
  16. I remember being confused that people were confused Seemed pretty obvious to me that he was back in reality. I never got the "debate".
  17. I had a some Makers last night followed by some Bullet Bourbon. It was Whiskey Wednesday apparently...
  18. That Polygon article sums up my feelings about God of War's camera perfectly. That was a great gamble on their part and it's been very effective so far. Imagine a survival horror game that takes a similar approach...
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