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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. I'll get Forza, Hitman and Darksiders at some point... just not Day One.
  2. What does that have to do with more movies being made? I didn't know he was coming back either but I knew more movies were coming and my only experience with The Lord of the Rings at that point was the animated movie which I saw as a kid WHICH, I believe, tried to cram all three books into one film. This is different than what we're talking about anyway. Audiences getting pissed because an actor spoiled the return of a character is different than audiences not expecting there to be a sequel to a hit movie that CLEARLY ends with a cliffhanger. You guys would have me believe that the majority of the modern movie public just all of a sudden forgot how movies work and were left scratching their heads stupidly at the end of this movie and I just don't believe that is the case. But I grow weary of this "debate"... carry on
  3. List the games that you plan on getting day one FOR SURE for the rest of the year. Not the games you're waiting for a price drop on, or are gonna get eventually but the games you are for sure gonna buy the minute they drop across all platforms. I'll go first and forgive me if I miss one or two. S.C.U.M. P.C. SPIDERMAN PS4 SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER XBOX ONE X RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 XBOX ONE X FIST OF THE NORTHSTAR: LOST PARADISE PS4 ASS. CREED ODYSSEY XBOX ONE X FALLOUT 76 XBOX ONE X DOOM ETERNAL (If that's this year) Now, these are just my day-one-I-know-I'm-buying-these-for-sure-games... there's a couple of other that I more than likely will impulse buy they day before but with GCU and Amazon Prime going bellyup, my incentive to impulse by games has waned a bit. Plus I have a massive backlog of games already I need to beat. So, what say you folks?
  4. Also with GCU there was an incentive... 20% off plus, in the case of some games, 10 dollars in rewards points... to use to buy the next game. I made out like a bandit the last couple of years doing just this.
  5. Like I said, I've seen people stay after the credits for NON Marvel, Non superhero movies. At the very least, people turn on their phones and do a google search for " does BLANK film have an after credit scene..." I don't know where these guys are going to see films at
  6. I was gonna say the same thing... between Nioh and that new game coming out from FROM SOFTWARE, Japanese mythology seems covered. Chinese on the other hand... Those Irish illustrations look interesting though. Somebody needs to do a big budget Sinbad game though.
  7. So folks left The first Lord of the Rings movie thinking "Whelp... too bad they never made it to that mountain to destroy that ring! I guess those two little Hobbits that got taken are FUCKED".
  8. Whack... No reason at all to keep buying digital games I guess. The problem is digital games get discounted at a much less rate than physical games. Sucks. Between Amazon and GCU I've been saving like a mad man on games these last couple of years.
  9. So you're saying there was a substantial amount of people who left this movie that thought that was it... That's what you're saying? No more Marvel Movies? No more Avengers films? Black Panther, Dr. Stranger, Guardians? Ok. So Marvel/Disney test audience process must've REALLY failed them if so many people were confused... Folks are gonna be REALLY surprised when another Avengers movie comes out next year (he said sarcastically)
  10. I'm saying even IF they didn't see the end stinger with Thanos, which I think most people did btw, they wouldn't walk away thinking this film wasn't getting a direct sequel. You mean to tell me in today's day and age, where films that dont even NEED sequels get them anyway, that people walked out of this movie thinking that was it? And they needed the internet and a Google search to let them know that more films were coming? That's what you're saying here? I just want to be clear. Because for some reason you are saying that with THIS movie, a not overly complicated one at that, that people were left scratching their heads that the bad guy won and the film ended and one of the most successful franchises in Hollywood history would end after ten years and twenty films on a down note with several fan favorite characters with their own hit movie series, just ending. Ok.
  11. The Superman thing WOULD be confusing for most folks because of the way WB and DC have handled their properties in the last ten or so years.... but after 20 movies, people know what the Marvel brand is... they know the movies connect and they know they should probably sit around and wait until after the credits to see the if there's something extra. Shit people sit around after the credits now for NON-Marvel movies because Marvel has made the practice so popular and no, these are not folks who live in the "bubble of the internet". I don't and judging by my mother and other family members who don't live on the internet but have NO problem following Marvel's movies, I don't think this "issue" is a widespread as some of you guys are making it out to be. OF COURSE there is going to be another movie and I think most folks left the theater knowing that. Especially since the movie you know... told us that with the whole "Thanos will return" thing. Honestly, I WOULD legitimately question the intelligence of ANYONE who walked away from this movie thinking that. SERIOUSLY. How do you think people understood movies back in the day BEFORE the internet. You think people walked away from Empire Strikes Back thinking that was it? End of the story
  12. Well that may or may not be true... what IS true is that The President of the United States has wants to fuck his daughter. Or has at least thought about it on more than one occasion.
  13. You're right... So instead of what I said, Freeze frame on Thanos and then have the words "TO BE CONTINUED" come on screen. This way no one would be confused about whether or not another movie was coming. EDIT: Seriously though, did you mean to say that it WASN'T a satisfying victory? Because that's the impression I got.
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