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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Oh no... you and I are in complete agreement on this
  2. You don't replay too many games at all though, do you? I may replay it right before this new game comes out. I lost half of my folks on my first playthrough, including a character that an accquaintence of mine actually played
  3. Those no chance fuckers are a bitch... gotta scout those orcs when you can so you know which ones have that trait. I think there's a specific orc Tribe or class that almost always has it.
  4. Oh Trump WILL pardon him if he survives this probe and investigation... hell he may do it ANYWAY.
  5. Yeah why do people think he was? They had so much shit on him they probably figured he would come to them at some point... which he still might since he has another trial coming up.
  6. I took his "superfan" comment to mean that he really likes these movie, but avoids internet news on order to avoid spoilers. Also he's the kind of guy that everyone in this thread seems to be talking about, a movie fan who loves movies but doesn't spend all his time on internet message boards talking about them... like the majority of my friends and family who are casual movie goers and aren't in the business. Either way, whether he meets the definition of a "superfan" is besides the point... he didn't know going in that the film was a two parter but was easily able to deduce that it there was a 2nd part coming based on the way this film ended. Like most of the rest of the known population regardless of what people in this thread are trying to argue. I don't know where it said he checked the internet... he said he realized it after he left the theater. My Mother and Sister are "superfans" of these movies yet they still call me up to ask questions about stuff they aren't clear on because they know I'm all over this shit as a comicbook fan, movie buff and someone who works in the business.
  7. The point is, he DIDN'T think that's how they would end their franchise and realized that another film was coming to tie things up. I'm a "superfan" too and I don't watch a lot of trailers and shit for fear of spoilers as well..
  8. She's been on CNN openly wondering how some of these former Trump aides are getting these 15 thousand dollar a month jobs. One of them is working for the RNC as a "Security Expert" for their convention.
  9. 2019 is so stacked that I fully expect the net consoles to be announced for 2020.
  10. Cool. Not my point, but we're going in circles... I'll agree to disagree and move on.
  11. It doesn't take much thought to realize that a hit movie that ended with the bad guy winning is going to get a sequel. That's my point. No people don't think about these movies as much as we do, I get that and that's not what Im arguing. I'm making the point that today's movie going audiences, even the casual ones are savvy enough to follow the story even though they don't know all the characters or spend a ton of time on the internet and realize that a movie with a cliffhanger ending is going to continue. The concept of movie serials is not new to the American movie going public and the fact that Marvel has built an lucrative franchise off of this approach that other studios are trying desperately to emulate means that filmgoers get it. They do and the numbers bare that out.
  12. Here's an article about how casual fans experience the MCU in particular and Infinity War specifically.... https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/15/17317018/marvel-cinematic-universe-avengers-infinity-war-references This part makes my point specifically. This has been my experience with most of the casual fans I know who see these movies. I don't buy for one second that the majority of people who saw this movie aren't expecting a sequel... People just aren't that dumb when it comes to movies.
  13. From what I heard this morning, they are having trouble on one count out of 18... so they have consensus on 17 of the 18 counts and the judge may allow them to present a verdict on the 17 and be hung on the 18th. That's if I understood the talking head legal guys right.
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