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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Probably Crackdown I'll more than likely get three out of the four on day one and the fourth later.
  2. What exactly is the strategy now? No campaign laws were broken because the money didn't come from the campaign? Is that it?
  3. I can totally see another Watch Dogs next year... or Far Cry? or a new I.P.?
  4. It's very underrated... it came out at the same time as Fallout 3 and was panned for not being that basically, but it's a fun shooter. Yeah this is one of my most anticipated games at this point. How stacked is March 2019 at this point? Jeez...
  5. It was designed to be vague so that he could say something without saying anything. These Republicans are really profiles in courage aren't they?
  6. Like I said in another topic, 2019 is STACKED.... which leads me to believe new consoles will be announced in 2019 and come out in 2020.
  7. When is this coming out, because I still have the first game sitting on my hard drive unplayed.
  8. Cohen's Lawyer Lanny Davis just said on CNN that Cohen has other information that would be "of use to Mueller."
  9. Any word on when this comes out? It's not 2018, right?
  10. Both my buddy and my lady's sister work for the NFL... gotta get the inside scoop from them lol.
  11. and prior to that, Nixon's "Southern Strategy" to scoop up racist southern Democrats who were pissed off by the Democratic party after the Civil Rights movement.
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