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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Are you gonna acknowledge that you either misunderstood or misrepresented my position in this thread?
  2. OK... deep breath... you do realize that those folks have been determined, legally and medically, to be unable to manage their finances right? That's what that executive order was about... people who had to have a third party managing their financial affairs because they themselves were deemed unable to do so (that's my understanding) and my point is that if someone has been determined LEGALLY to be unable to manage their finances, then it's not too much of a reach to believe that they probably shouldn't own a gun. Also mental illness is only ONE of the factors that determines this... physical impairments factor in too and was also one of the reasons someone would be determined unable to manage their finances. Which changes my opinion not one bit.
  3. Because a diagnosis of mentally illness isn't based on how you "feel" about a person's actions. As @CastlevaniaNut18 said, there are legal and clinical criteria that must be met in order to adjudicate someone mentally ill. Some people are just evil mother fuckers. Oh for fuck's sake... a person who has been adjudicated (again, legally and clinically) as being unable to handle something as basic as their fucking finances should NOT be allowed to own a gun. That's right I said it and I stand by it. On the other hand just pulling a diagnosis out of one's ass and saying "all spree shooters" are mentally ill no corroborating evidence other than one "feelings" is not correct. My stances are not opposed to each other because I don't think of guns as toys. This is NOT rocket science... guns are dangerous instruments and people should be required to demonstrate that they can handle one safely and responsibly before we just give them out to folks. Jesus Christ...
  4. Ummm because there are both clinical and legal definitions to the term "mentally ill". Throwing it around without understanding that confuses the issue and helps no one. Some of these spree shooters are mentally ill... most aren't. Legally or medically as has been stated several times in this thread.
  5. and this is why trying to reason with the "other side" is a futile endeavor when it comes to this issue in particular... facts are subjective in today's 'Murica.
  6. Ok... but you DO understand that not all murderers are mentally ill, right? Not by the clinical definition OR the legal definition. That just isn't true.
  7. Yeah that's just not true... are you throwing your personal feelings on what constitutes mental illness? Because by your definition, NO murderer should go to jail for murder.
  8. I understand their opposition... I just don't agree with it. If you can't manage your bank account then you shouldn't have a gun. Sorry. In Florida, they ruled that a blind man should be able to own a gun because banning him from having one is "discrimination".
  9. I know the majority of guns in New Jersey come from Pennsylvania and the Southern States... Law enforcement calls it "the iron corridor".
  10. The "weak stop gaps" are weak because nothing else can be done because of the pro-gun lobby. The root cause of gun violence is NOT mental illness. It just isn't. It's easy accessibility to guns. There's a reason the NRA doesn't want the C.D.C. to do a comprehensive study on the risks of having a gun in the home for the gun owner and his or her family vs homes without guns. Statistically your risks of being shot GO UP when a gun is in the home vs when one isn't... but the gun lobby doesn't want that out there. You can deflect all you want, but mental illness isn't the main cause of our gun violence problem in the USA. The ease with which a mentally ill person can get a gun to harm themselves or others IS. That's what the pro-gun lobby wants to deflect from with all this "concern over mentally ill people".
  11. Didn't the NRA fight Obama's ban on mentally ill people being able to purchase guns? Didn't Trump repeal that executive order?
  12. Also the US doesn't even have the highest rate of mental illness in the world... we DO lead the world in murders committed by guns though. I wonder why Oh and a mentally ill person with a gun is going to do far more damage than a mentally ill person without one. This is one of the weakest most asinine and easily disprovable arguments out there.
  13. Playing God of War still... trying to Once I'm done with that, I'll put the game down for awhile.
  14. It damn sure did in California... the one time the NRA came out in support of gun control legislation. Except nowadays, the cops would just shoot any lawful gun carrying minorities exercising their rights. There's nothing they need to say to influence me. I'm not anti gun and I'm not for repealing the second amendment... My father and grandmother are both law enforcement (Grandmother is retired, Dad is retiring soon) and I grew up around guns and in a neighborhood we're you really needed to think about home protection and defending your family. But also, having close family members become victims of gun violence where having a gun wouldn't have made a difference... or having family member killed by an off duty cop who was trying to stop a robbery in progress, my perspective is going to be a little different than a weekend warrior's who has never experienced any true danger in his life but thinks he's gonna be combat ready when the shit goes down, and single handedly stop a terrorist attack or a hostile take over by the feds with his trust AR-15 and his Bible. Only thing I would like to see is guns be treated like cars at a minimum... make sure folks are trained and responsible gun owners with registered firearms that are safely stored and secured in their homes and that they have some kind of insurance that covers their gun and the fact that they have one. I''m for REGULATION not PROHIBITION. Yes... and if this is the best idea they can come up with in trying to "convince" me, then they can seriously go fuck themselves. Anyone who can't see the problems this would introduce for public safety isn't worth talking to to be honest.
  15. As if anything we would or could say would influence people on the "Pro Gun" side... the fact that people actually consider themselves "Pro gun" but also consider themselves "Pro Life" is part of the problem. The whole mindset is fucked and there's really no reasoning with it. So yeah, I'm completely done with trying to reason with idiots. We've been governing to the lowest common denominator (of a particular group in this country) for too long. People are gonna believe what they want to believe so...
  16. Because it is... The people on the other side say "Gun regulations are going too far and you eventually want to take my guns away." OR "Those gun regulations you're proposing won't do anything to solve the problem anyway, so what's the point? Guns aren't the problem anyway... it's education or mental illness or unwed mothers..." or some other silly shit. Any moron can see the difference between us and other countries that don't have this problem, but we are unable to do anything about our problem because people "luv their gunz." I'm not even anti gun... I'm "pro-not-treating-guns-like-toys-or-substitute-penises."
  17. The Giffords... are you referring to the woman who was SHOT IN THE HEAD? How dare she call for gun control or regulation.
  18. How exactly do you do that when these folks equate "gun regulation" with "You're trying to take my guns away". Answer: You can't. The paranoid will always think there's someone out to get them even when there isn't anyone there. and the biggest factor in our gun violence problem is access to guns. Plenty of other Western countries have the same issues we do but they don't have the same gun violence problem because they don't have the same access to guns.
  19. Damn I just found out my girlfriend new the family of one of the kids that got killed. Apparently he's from out here in California, Woodland Hills to be exact. Crazy shit. We've had gun control in this country before though... In the frontier times when new towns would settle and open for business, they would ban folks from wearing guns in town because of all the killings and shootings. Also during prohibition when gangland killings with Tommy Guns were common place, we banned those guns. What happened with the Assault weapons ban, was in the 90's you had the rise of talk radio which fed into this notion of "The Government is trying to take your guns so they can take your freedom." That along with race baiting politicians playing to the fears of white people and a gun lobby that was financing all of this led to where we are today. Guns have become an identity symbol for some folks in this country and no matter how many school shootings we have, they will not let them go willingly. NATION.OF. IDIOTS.
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