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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Up until VERY recently, both Best Buy AND Amazon gave you discounts and credit for pre-ordering discs. i would literally wait until the day before the game came out, sometimes HOURS, place my pre-order and receive the discount and the credit. I have'nt paid full price for a day one release in years
  2. Really? any redeeming qualities at all? Fractured Lands closed BETA wasn't that good either.
  3. Pretty sure he was speaking figuratively in terms of the tones of each city. Originally, both Metropolis and Gotham were stand-ins for New York. In modern times, Gotham became DC's New York and Metropolis became Chicago. Both have been all over the place to be honest though
  4. You and everyone else... DC's geography is all kinds of fucked up
  5. It's ridiculous... and they've made it canon in the comics now. Damian Wayne goes to a private school in Metropolis with Jonathan Kent. Alfred flies him there by chopper every morning.
  6. And they're wrong btw... he was 25 according to Year One
  7. Anyway, the real news is Affleck is probably out as Batman moving forward.
  8. It used to be... now it's basically Oakland. Metropolis is San Francisco
  9. Dammit Fox News: Ben Affleck's reign as Batman may come to an end due to post-rehab insurance costs. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/08/28/ben-afflecks-reign-as-batman-may-come-to-end-due-to-post-rehab-insurance-costs.html
  10. Well they said he was looking for away out... I wonder what his drink of choice is.
  11. Yeah I'm still gonna do Hellblade too. I think i'm halfway through it already.
  12. Change of plans... since Spiderman is coming out and it's made by Insomniac, I figure I may as well go and beat one of their last games that I bought and forgot about Sunset Overdrive... so I booted that up. Will try and finish that before Spiderman.
  13. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/01/12/462781469/in-mexico-tens-of-thousands-of-illegal-guns-come-from-the-u-s https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/07/illegal-guns-fuel-mexicos-drug-cartel-violence-180713130644228.html https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/border-issues/2018/02/06/u-s-guns-used-majority-crimes-mexico-center-american-progress-report-says/301238002/
  14. Come one man... are you talking about border line Narco states? Most of their guns violence comes from the drug trade which WE fuel... or and most of their guns come from US.
  15. Hey I hear you... and believe me I am not a "ban the second amendment/ no one should be allowed to own a gun" guy. I just don't think that it should be easier to get a gun than it is to get a car. People SHOULD be able to lawfully own guns... but they should prove that they are capable of owning those guns responsibly.
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