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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Again, don't most normal folks think all of the Guardians are dead anyway? Disney can just end the series and not skip a beat because as I have been told by several members on this board, a lot of folks thought Infinity War was the end of the MCU or something.
  2. Yo I was wondering the same thing... I was legit gonna ask dude is everything ok?
  3. As much as I love Drax, there are literally a TON of characters that they could bring in to replace him without recasting. Plus, according to a lot of you guys, a significant amount of the audience who saw Infinity War believe Drax is dead for good and won't be coming back. Marvel could easily recut The next Avengers movie and not bring Drax back for whatever reason when the rest of the characters are brought back.
  4. A lot of comics fans wished Spawn was more like Blade. The Spawn cartoon was closer in tone to the actual comic than the movie.
  5. Damn I forgot about The Crow too , that could be the precursor to Blade to be honest.
  6. So basically they way I see it is that there are four eras of the modern super hero movie. The first era started with 1978's Superman, which spawned four three sequels and a spinoff. We also got Swamp Thing and a couple of other forgettable movies from that era. The second era started with Batman 1989, which incorporated a lot of the campy charm of the classic comics of the 50's and 60s, but melded it with a darker visual aesthetic and tone that matched the comics of the time. That movie spawned a SHIT TON of bad comics movies through the 90's which followed the same formula. The genre nearly died, though with Batman and Robin. Then in 1998 You got Blade, which was rated R and TRULY took the tone and style of contemporary comics from the "Grim and Gritty era" and put it up on screen. Gone were colorful costumes... now you got military style practical outfits that featured a lot of leather. This approach is what gave you The Xmen and other comics book based movies from the late 90's through the 2000's. This approach culminated with Batman Begins... a rebooting of the Batman series that was TOTALLY dark and much more adult in tone. It was also grounded in realism... moreso than Burton's Batman films. (No rocket launching Penguins) The Fourth Era starts with 2008's Iron Man which introduced the modern Marvel approach to superhero movies... contemporary settings, accessible humor with top notch special effects (for the time) There was definitely an evolution and Burton's Batman was part of it. But in my opinion, his Batman films were at best a bridge from the campy ere to the darker films of the late 90's, but Blade was the first comic movie to go all in with adult action and a darker tone that more closely mirrored the comics we were reading at the time.
  7. I think September, October and November are gonna be too crowded with new releases to bother back logs... maybe December can be the next backlog month? Backlember works for that month too.
  8. Just watched this... I hope to god they don't fuck this up. While I enjoyed both Andromeda and Inquisition, both felt like one step forward in some areas and two steps backwards in others. Andromeda DID have the best gameplay of the Mass Effect series to date, though.
  9. Yeah I know he said it but his films don't reflect that. Seemed to me he was pulling more from Beetlejuice
  10. Burton's Batman movies were definitely rooted in 60's camp. They just had his darker sensibility to them, but The Batman in his movies had more in common with Adam West's Batman than Frank Miller's. Go back and rewatch those movies... rocket launching penguins, Bat CD Players, I could keep going. Nolan was the one who really mined the post Miller, Dark Knight Returns, Year One Batman. Not Burton.
  11. Holy shit those fuckers are huge. Reminds me of that scene in Lake Placid where the old lady was feeding the giant Gator lol
  12. You don't get Spiderman without Xmen and you don't get Xmen without Blade. Blade was the first, adult contemporary take on a comic character that actually worked as a film. The movie laid the template for a whole bunch of Superhero movies afterwards by abandoning the campy tone of the 60's and embracing the more grim and gritty tone of the comics of the 80's and 90's. Blade was the first superhero movie to do it and once it made money, all those comic book movies that had been languishing in development hell for years got greenlit. Especially the Marvel ones, which at the time, were not as well known as the more popular DC characters.
  13. We should keep this going. I'm gonna take a "something new, something old" approach to gaming... for every new game I buy, try to finish an old one in my backlog. We'll see how long that lasts.
  14. Also makes me more likely to buy a season pass or deluxe edition. I like it when they actual lay out a schedule for what the DLC will be so you don't just buy the season pass blindly.
  15. It can also be argued that Blade ushered in the current, modern superhero film after Shumacher's Batman sequels nearly destroyed the genre.
  16. Blade ages, he just ages slower than normal humans. Also The first Blade movie WAS Marvel films first official film and Fiege was a producer on it. Makes perfect sense that they incorporate it into the MCU... and it's long been rumored that a New Blade movie would feature him mentoring his daughter. These rumors have been ongoing since Snipes got out of jail.
  17. Unfortunately won't be playing too much today although I am working on some ESPORTS stuff for work. This weekend will be Sunset Overdrive, SCUM and a little Ghost Recon. Also will try to finish off that last Valkyrie in God Of War.
  18. I think a good chunk of the posters on this board are broken at the very least they don't seem to like games very much.
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