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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. People think Henry Cavill is a bad actor I guess... Friend of mine said he thought he was bad in Mission Impossible. I thought he was fine as a villain and I also like him as Superman. I thought he was pretty good in The Man from Uncle too
  2. How long is the beta going on for? I want to try it on the bone and my laptop.
  3. I wonder if more single player games, and games in general, will suffer because preorder discounts and bonuses like are going away. I couldn't find a single bonus for this game.
  4. Hasn't come on out here yet, but I'm setting the DVR... did you see the most recent movie?
  5. Cool... you guys broke me. You're right, I'm wrong, congratulations! I have work to do... just editing... which apparently is all I do in this business Carry on. Sorry to derail the thread
  6. Of course I'm not... my intellect pales in comparison to the mental giants on this board. I'm just a dumb ass who thinks people can follow basic narratives without needing to go to the internet. But what the fuck do I know? I've just worked in marketing and film and television for most of my adult life... back on topic, Disney has nothing to worry about in firing James Gunn and replacing the whole goddamned cast because audiences are clearly too dumb to notice anyway.
  7. If by pointing out CLEAR contradictions you guys are making and laughing over the keyboard as you guys bend yourself into pretzels, is me being "obtuse" then yeah, I guess I am and by the way, I can do this all day without making personal attacks. But if you want to go there, let's do it.
  8. He also said that people left the theater thinking everyone is dead for good. Kal El said that people thought that this was the last MCU movie... Jason said no one was making that argument which YOU cosigned. So which is it?
  9. Sounds good to me. Guess they are catching on to the fact that most gamers today go by user impressions and word of mouth rather than actual reviews.
  10. Well the good thing for Disney is since audiences don't care about the behind the scenes goings on... firing James Gunn, or the whole CAST of Guardians for that matter, shouldn't matter at all. Especially since the last time audiences saw them, they all died anyway. So Batista's bluff should be called.
  11. @Jason and @sblfilms I thought you guys said nobody was arguing the point that @Greatoneshere and @Kal-El814 are CLEARLY arguing here
  12. You guys are amazing really. You're so focused on proving ME wrong that you're contradicting each other Also, like I said in the other thread, apparently Americans today are too dumb to understand how movies work even though serialized storytelling has existed since BEFORE movies were even a thing going back to old radio shows
  13. Agreed 100%. I always thought Mads Milken would have been perfect for this but he may be considered too old now. I'm cool with this.
  14. Don't tell that to me... tell it to the guys who were LITERALLY saying that in the other thread. I never claimed that average folks knew what Marvel movies were coming out and when... just that they had the common sense to know there would likely be a sequel to a film that had an OBVIOUS cliffhanger.
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