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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. CHUD is a slur now? If it is I'll edit the topic... EDIT: I changed it to be on the safe side... https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Chud This is how me and my friends always used it.
  2. Or at least attempted to. So a good friend of mine and her husband shot a short film this summer as a first step to making it a full on feature. They got a decent chunk of financing since it is a period piece, and they had a budget of about 60 to 70K. They were looking to work with well known actors in the leading roles and were TRYING to get Jessie Plemons but he was unavailable so they went with an unknown I believe. My friend was looking for professional people to work on her short and they were paying industry standard rates for most of the positions. I even referred a few folks to her that had worked on bigger projects... I couldn't work with her myself because I was booked most of the summer and was unavailable. So anyway, they shoot the film and I ask her how it went and she tells me that they had a couple of nightmare crew members who were OPENLY hostile and disrespectful to her and her husband. See, my friend is Lebanese American and she was the writer and producer of the film and her husband is Iranian who has only been in the States for a couple of years. They are two of the sweetest people I know and are generally good people. She told me that one of the crew, the sound guy, was particularly hostile and disrespectful to her and her husband as well as other crew members... particularly the ones of color. This guy was so hostile that she suspected racism was part of his hostility but of course she had no proof. Well they shoot the film and wrap and when she and her husband are reviewing the footage weeks later, they are horrified to find that the sound is HORRENDOUS. It is so bad that she is certain that it was a deliberate act, this sound guy was a professional and had worked on other larger projects and had a decent resume and recommendations. That's why she hired him in the first place... but yeah she says the sound is AWFUL and they are looking for a good audio guy to hopefully clean it up and fix it in post. I recommended a pretty good audio engineer I've worked with on a couple of projects so hopefully he can fix it, but sound is pretty tough to fix after the fact. Usually, you can't make bad sound good... only slightly less bad and it can RUIN a film. On top of all this, she found out after the fact from other crew members that the sound guy was DEFINITELY racist... was a hardcore Trump supporter who wore MAGA paraphernalia behind their backs or under his clothes and threatened to beat up a Black Assistant Camera person and WOULD NOT speak directly to him when they were shooting. I asked her this guy's name and I was gonna put the word out about him but she asked me not to. She feels like he's unhinged and a potential physical threat and just wants to work on getting her film finished. I told her I would do everything I could to help but damn this is beyond fucked up if he deliberately tried to tank their project. We live in crazy fucking times.
  3. They didn't send my digital code until ten last night pacific. A three hour download meant no Spidey for me last night.
  4. Combat supposedly gets deeper wit the more moves you unlock. Just finished the first story mission... there's a lot to take in with the combat and movement. Besides a few comic-nerd quibbles, game seems pretty awesome so far. I have the day off and the girl is hanging with friends so I have all day with this sucker.
  5. Yeah I always wanted to go back and finish this. I bought the hardcover guide for it and everything Wouldn't the developer have to make it B.C.? Maybe THQ will do that in order to drum up interest for the I.P. for whatever they do with it.
  6. Exactly... the movies floundered but Brosnan kept the franchise alive off of sheer charisma.
  7. Shit I know I'm gonna spend a decent amount of time just unlocking the suits... I'm off tomorrow so I know what I'll be doing all day
  8. Yes. I am always maining at least three games at a time. Usually a single player game, a multiplayer game and maybe an RPG or something in my backlog. Right now I'm playing Sunset Overdrive, SCUM and God of War... with a little PUBG, Vigor and Ghost Recon Sprinkled in. I find that playing like this keeps me from getting burned out or tired of a single game. If a game grabs me though, I'll play the shit out of it until I finish it.
  9. I stopped reading that article when they characterized Brosnan's Bond as a "cheesy caricature"... if his Bond was cheesy, then they all were. Brosnan was as bout as perfect a Bond as you could cast.
  10. I remember when dudes were trying to say that Jennifer Lawrence couldn't act... I was like "You clearly haven't seen Winter's Bone, the movie that put her on the map when she was a teenager". People just love to hate what's popular I guess without understanding what made that person popular in the first place.
  11. Yeah but besides Venom and Creed, what are the big fall movies? I honestly have no idea lol
  12. What's coming out that they could put the trailer in front o
  13. Then I'm going with Kelly... he seems to be the only one with the balls to do something like this.
  14. https://io9.gizmodo.com/captain-marvel-has-finally-landed-1828816756 Looks good.
  15. Been playing a lot of SCUM, Sunset Overdrive and trying to kill that last damn Valkyrie in God of War
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