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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. I knew the traversal gameplay was gonna be fun... been playing Sunset Overdrive recently in pop preparation for this and the traversal gameplay in that game is top knotch.
  2. What makes you say so? Netflix is putting a fair amount of money behind this. I think they see this as their "Game of Thrones".
  3. Spent the day playing... man this game is awesome. Great original take on the Spiderman lore... and the gameplay and combat is really deep.
  4. Na, I'm behind on a BUNCH of shows I have whole seasons of a bunch of shows on my DVR.
  5. I had a pastrami sandwich for lunch and just finished some short rib tacos. Damn good... oh and some wings
  6. Got a little time before meeting up with the lady and have been playing for a bit. Using the Iron Spider suit from Infinity War which looks AWESOME. The game is definitely NOT a button masher and skill will be required to really get the most out of the combat. I'm starting to get the hang of Web swinging and the story seems pretty cool so far... I'm digging it. EDIT: As a long time Spidey fan I'm also really digging the changes they've made to the lore. Also apparently Cool.
  7. Not very... I'm about to unlock the first suit I believe. About to head out though... the girl just finished up with her friends so I probably won't get to play again until sometime tomorrow
  8. I just heard back from her that they may have to ADR all of the dialogue which is a pain in the ass and is very hard to do and have it sound and look natural. I also found out that she got a pretty well known TV star to star in it, her first choice (Not Jessie Pleamons). She's heart broken and really wants to save her film since they put so much money and effort into it. Once she sends me a couple of clips I'll have a better idea of what she'll need to fix it, but it doesn't sound good.
  9. Damn I'm so far behind on the Marvel shows... I still need to watch the second seasons of Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and now this.
  10. She thinks it was beyond doing a shitty job and was deliberate sabotage.
  11. Ok I finally watched that trailer... what exactly were the battle royal elements shown in that gameplay? Looked like deathmatch to me.
  12. I don't think he knew... He was brought in by the Line Producer who is White. My friend had to approve his hire, but yeah. Plus given the subject matter of the film, He definitely didn't think that minority filmmakers were producing the project. Oh yeah, she could definitely do that. I'm sure he has a show reel of stuff that's public. Like I said though, she doesn't want to do anything... she would probably be upset if she knew I was talking about it here
  13. I haven't heard the sound myself, but a guy who works professionally as a sound person wouldn't give you bad raw sound. From what she's told me it's VERY bad. Like worse than a student who has never done sound before. She heard his previous work or else she wouldn't have hired him so she's knew what he was capable of. Again, I haven't heard the sound so I don't know how bad it is. Shortly before I posted this I reached out to her because I'm curious to see if it is salvageable or not.
  14. I'm friends with a lot of people in the film community on my social media... it's pretty much all I use it for
  15. Shit I didn't KNOW! I thought the word may have morphed into a slur when I wasn't looking Had me nervous over here
  16. Oh believe me I plan too... but I was initially gonna put the dude on blast on social media publicly and on a bunch of film boards and groups I belong to.
  17. Not worth it... Don't want this topic to get derailed about what a made up word means rather than what it's actually about.
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