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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. I'll push back on this a little bit as I have read the books and one of the reoccurring themes in the series is racism... against non-humans in the world and The Witchers themselves. Elves, Dwarves and other non-humans are treated as second class citizens and herded into what are effectively ghettos in most towns in The Witcher Universe and this is in the games as well, to an admittedly lesser extent. Commentary on racism is as much a part of The Witcher series as it is a part of the Xmen books. Also did they SAY that Ciri was going to be Black necessarily? I know when people hear "Diverse" that's immediately where their heads go, but I bet that in making that casting call, they opened up Ciri's casting to ALL ethnicities. I'm betting they are going for an "ethnically ambiguous" looking actress to play Ciri and fanboys freaked out as they are want to do.
  2. The Wonder Woman film is still being shot and as far as I know, so is the Flash. Shazam and Black Adam are both happening as well and a Green Lantern film is pretty far along in development too as is the Joe Mangenello Deathstroke movie. Oh and Margot Robbie's Harley standalone is still happening as far as I know. Maybe all these films will not emphasize the shared Universe as much, but they are still happening.
  3. Spidey always pulls his punches in the comics because if he hits folks at full strength, he'd kill them. That said his strength seems to be all over the place in the game... so much that I wondered if he was not as strong in this game as he is in the comics. That and a couple of inconsistencies with his Spider sense also jumped out to me. Nothing game breaking but as a comic fan, I did notice
  4. He probably likes how he looks in the beard. If Aquaman, Shazam and the Wonder Woman sequel tank or underperform, we'll probably see a reboot or a different approach. They will probably focus on individual films rather than trying to emulate Marvel's shared Universe approach.
  5. DUDE... You really do. Me and you seem pretty similar in our tastes and I have a feeling you'd LOVE this.
  6. Just got caught up on the show and man it is awesome. Hope they can keep it going... I see a vehicle Voltron in the near future...
  7. That's a good thing, but I wonder if they will tweak it for the full release because of COD bros bitching.
  8. He wrote that article after literally playing maybe two minutes of the game. Spidey has the same relationship with cops in this game he's always had.
  9. You know that Marvel has been putting out "Spiderman: renew your Vows" for the last several years right? It's an ongoing comic where Spiderman and Mary Jane's marriage was never retconned and they have a teenaged daughter who has his powers. I don't read it but people seem to like it.
  10. Yeah I'm really looking forward to Days Gone and I'm all OVER Samurai Spirits... Samurai Showdown was one of my all time favorite fighting game series. I spent so much time in the arcades playing the first two games Side question though... With the next gen coming in the next two years or so does it make sense to get a PSVR at this point?
  11. I know a dude that happened to. He slept while some cats robbed his place in Hollywood. At least he said he did... I always had my suspicions.
  12. I think what @Xbob42 is saying is that with whole generation raised indoors and not on playgrounds and social interactions taking place primarily online and not in person, a certain level of consequence for anti-social behavior has been lost. Assholes USED to eventually get their comeuppance in the form of an ass whoopin' or two. Not so much anymore.
  13. She's sure it was racially motivated... I just don't think she wants to deal with it and is more concerned about her film.
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