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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. To quote one of my buddies "How much cocaine do you have to do to think that all the cocaine you did will help you get elected President?" My response? " Either not much or all of it."
  2. That's exactly the sentiment I expressed in the text chat thread with my buddies who first sent me the info
  3. Are you ready for our first former World Champion Boxer/Cocaine Addict/Cross Dressing/Mexican American President?
  4. Cavill may not be done... This smack to me of him and his reps trying to get more money out of WB... interesting that these rumors came on the heels of his negotiations to cameo in the Shazam movie falling apart.
  5. So the Joker film films in Newark starting on September 30th and goes for a few days in October and November @sblfilms Also Affleck tells Cavill to hold his beer and Don Draper says "don't mind if I do!" What's interesting is that he was once in the running to play Superman AND he ALSO has had drinking problems in the past.
  6. So it turns out that she really didn't date his brother... https://kotaku.com/a-note-about-sundays-spider-man-proposal-story-1828998888
  7. He was banking on doing that after the 2016 election when he thought that he would win the popular vote but lose the electoral college... except he won.
  8. I kinda agree... EDIT: No idon't... most people WEREN'T cool with Idris Elba as 007. We had a whole thread on THIS board saying why that wasn't a good choice. Still, I don't see the need for a black Superman unless they're gonna make him the Val-Zod Superman and not Kal-el.
  9. Installing on my Xbox now. Will try it when I get home... this will be on the rental service, right?
  10. So does this help the claim that she thought it was her apartment or hurt it? She HAD to be intoxicated, right? They're saying she wasn't?
  11. Spiderman and SCUM right now... Tomb Raider when Best Buy finally decides to ship my fucking game
  12. It's armored but it doesn't enhance his strength at least not to my knowledge. Just protects him from bullets and shit. He's not Iron Man.
  13. One name being floated to to replace Cavilll, Killmonger NO WAY this happens with the current fanboy climate... Seriously, I don't even want it to happen. Just cast him as ICON.
  14. Yeah I figured most of the people complaining know little about the actual world of The Witcher beyond the third game... which most probably haven't even finished if they played it. The Witcher books are all about racism and it's ugly under currents. I still have a couple of books in the series I have to read, but I've read three of them. I fell in love with the series after the second game.
  15. Oh nice... yeah I'm pretty much sold day one for this mode alone. If I didnt already have so much to play now, I'd preorder it now to play the beta. Will beta progress carry over?
  16. That actually would have been the perfect time to do it. This is the approach they should have taken in the FIRST place... let the connections happen organically.
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