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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. There's the Chinese Superman and there's also the current Earth-2 Superman Val-Zod who IS in fact Black.
  2. That jumped out to me too... some copywriter probably got a nice bonus for coming up with that.
  3. Btw, I'm pretty much on media blackout from here on out. That trailer was pretty much all I needed.
  4. I'm guessing that Marvel's intergalactic duties will take her off Earth and she tells Fury to reach out to her as a last resort... like ABSOLUTE last.
  5. Playing Spiderman and SCUM still... starting to wean in Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
  6. I remember there was a debate in Wizard Magazine about who was the best superhero all around. Spiderman came in first, Batman was second. Based on their very similar games where you get to play as each, I would have to agree.
  7. Sure... but my point was that Killing Joke had been his origin for about 30 years and it didn't take away from the character. If anything he grew in popularity. An origin won't ruin him and it wouldn't stick anyway.
  8. I dunno... Killing Joke didn't ruin him even though that origin was never confirmed as definitive.
  9. Oh and Arnold supposedly gave Trump's N-word Apprentice Tapes To Ronan Farrow
  10. They film for a couple of days in Newark starting next week and going throughout October.
  11. Holy shit! I never saw that That never made it on the film thank god.
  12. Maybe the stress of the situation had him blocked up... I once went two weeks without taking a shit. True story... it was fucking AGONY.
  13. Not sure what you're referencing here... that wasn't in the script I read.
  14. Damn this is a good looking game... like holy shit it's good looking. I only played about a half hour so far but I'm liking what I've played.
  15. I read the original script... not much changed to be honest story-wise. The third act is just a mess in from a directorial and editing standpoint.
  16. I thought this game handled them better than most others to be honest. Even better than the Ciri sections in The Witcher which I also liked more than most.
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