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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Played for another hour or so and did a few more missions. Still side stuff, no main story yet. Upgraded my speeder bike and met some more "contacts". There's a surprising amount of platforming I'm finding in this game. Didn't think there would be. Really enjoying exploring this first planet (second if you count the tutorial planet) I've done a few more of the lockpicking puzzles so maybe that one I was stuck on was an anomaly. It was definitely the longest and most difficult so far.
  2. Book Review: ‘At War With Ourselves,’ by H.R. McMaster - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM A new memoir by the onetime national security adviser shows how the former president’s insecurities and weaknesses harmed U.S. foreign policy. The Master of the Art of The Deal sucks at dealmaking... who knew?
  3. If this was posted earlier, IDGAF I'm posting it again... statment from the Army regarding this incident US Army rebukes Trump campaign for incident at Arlington National Cemetery | CNN Politics WWW.CNN.COM The US Army issued a stark rebuke of former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign over the incident on Monday at Arlington National Cemetery, saying in a statement on Thursday that participants in the ceremony “were made aware of federal laws” regarding political activity at the cemetery, and “abruptly pushed aside” an employee of the cemetery. FUCK.THESE. DUDES. (Trump and his enablers, not the army)
  4. The fucked up thing about this Cemetary story is that this person they had the altercation with is now going to become a target because these assholes couldn't be bothered to follow the fucking rules. Apparently she was going to press charges but changed her mind for fear of retaliation All becausse she was trying to enforce FEDERAL LAW and prevent this asshole from using what's supposed to be hallowed ground as a photo-op. THIS is the piece of shit that 40-45% of the country follows This needs to be a bigger story. Fuck this guy. (Trump, not The Mooch)
  5. So I went back and gave the part I was stuck on ONE more try and got it after a couple of attempts. So lockpicking can stay... for now. I know you guys who are playing aren;t that far in the game yet but do you have any idea which faction you're going to try and stay in good with? So far I'm sticking with Crimson Dawn because I know what they're about because of the comics and they're not ENTIRELY bad. The Hutts and Pykes don't like me too much right now. I never played it... it's that bad???
  6. Don't know where you are in the game, but I'm at a part that requires four precise clicks. I get three of them but can't get the timing on the fourth so it doesn't work. Apparently there will be longer sequences later in the game. I'm not that far btw.
  7. It shows the dem ticket out doing well down ballot even in places where Trump is leading. Kamala is helping down ballot dems in other races where Biden was hurting them.
  8. The game literally tells you in the help menu to time the button presses to the beat. It even has an icon of an ear. You can adjust the difficulty or turn on a visual aid, but the way it's implemented by default is weird.
  9. Dude I'm just going to turn it off. I was having a good time playing the game last night until I got to a part of a mission I was doing where I had to lock pick a door and after ten minutes of trying I got frustrated and turned it off. Goofy idea for a mini-game and the difficulty ramps up waaay too quickly to be this early in the game. If I was a game reviewer I'd seriously dock the game a point or two for this shit alone.
  10. Republicans took the house that year didn't they? Wasn't that year a red wave despite losing the presidency?
  11. I missed this. Gonna send it to my friend to see if he knows about it. He probably does... he did some work for the D.A.'s office for a major city investigating Police misconduct and discovered an alarming number of these instances in that city alone. It then took him down a very dark rabbit hole. In law school his area of expertise was juvenile justice so it was right up his alley. He's told me some horror stories.
  12. When are they going to get around to talking about how many Cops are involved with crimes against children? Law Professor friend of mine did some research on this a couple oif years ago... spoiler alert: It's a LOT.
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