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Everything posted by ort

  1. When will you denounce these actions by a fellow white man? Your silence is deafening...
  2. Yeah, it's an example of pulling out your political scorecard when a shooting happens. Ooh, let's see, white guy, check! reporters were shot? Yes! This was a right thing nut, score one for my team, yay! Let's race off to twitter/facebook and make comments!!!1!!
  3. Can I use any set of headphones in that headphone jack at the bottom of the Xbox One Controller? I have one of the older ones, I think.
  4. I just think it's two completely different situations. It's not like Biden walked in on a Tuesday and tried to buy a cake and was told to leave. He wanted to do a photo shoot there and promote his politics. I don't think it's fair to compare the two incidents at all. That doesn't mean that the right wing media machine isn't a collection of 100% dishonest hypocritical fucklords. Because they are.
  5. Different situation. Biden's team asked the owner if Biden could come in for a campaign visit with photographers and stuff and he said he didn't want to do it because he disagreed with him politically. Man, Fox News and Trump and their army of morons are just eating this shit up. It's all they needed. A few of their staffers get publicly shamed and one congresswoman says it's okay and BOOM, the left is unhinged and they are all in danger. What a fucking shit show. Trump supporters really are just the stupidest fucking stupid fucks in all of history.
  6. I just don't want to get him one that has big padded cans that cover both of his ears. It seems like thats how most of them are these days...
  7. This seems like a good place to ask this... so I don't really play online anymore, but my son does. We've now gone through two of the 1st party xbox one chat headsets. The microphone has stopped working after a few weeks twice now. He's not mistreating this thing. It just keeps breaking. Judging by the reviews on amazon, this is a thing and this headset is a piece of junk. What's a good chat headset to get? I don't want one that covers both ears. He needs to be able to hear the world around him. Anyone have any suggestions? Preferably something cheap and easy.
  8. Yeah, I'm also changing my avatar. The Blues logo was a carry over from my IGN days, but the cacodemon is what I use most places.
  9. He just says whatever he wants and no one challenges him on anything. He knows his base is too stupid to do anything other than take him at his word. He's too cowardly and incompetent to hold an actual press conference.
  10. Right, like I said, it felt so obvious I thought it was a fake lead on. Maybe they circled back around and did a double bluff. You thought it was so obvious there was no way she was actually the bad guy? Well, ha ha, we double fooled you!
  11. Can you imagine how the right wing world would react if a democrat president had a foreign model trophy wife with a thick accent who was this bad at being a first lady? I mean, they tore Michele Obama to shreds and she was a smart, likable and sophisticated.
  12. She wore the same jacket when she landed back in Maryland... this has to be a troll job.
  13. This is the place she visited. It's not one of these detention centers at all, but something completely different. https://www.upbring.org/programs-and-services/childrens-centers/unaccompanied-children/new-hope/
  14. She didn't even visit a real detention center. She went to a church run shelter that's a completely different kind of thing. She was supposed to go to a real detention center too, but they had to cancel that visit because of *cough cough* flooding.
  15. So, she's either doing it on purpose to either give everyone the middle finger, or give her husband the middle finger for making her go, or as a calculated move by the administration to change the conversation... or she (and more importantly, her handlers) are so unaware and stupid that they didn't see how it could be a problem. Why is she wearing a jacket at all? It's like 90 degrees everywhere. I mean, I'm pretty sure it's the simplest answer, which is that she and her handlers are fucking morons, but sheesh... what the hell man. (Is there a time limit on edits now? Boo.)
  16. http://www.businessinsider.com/melania-jacket-i-really-dont-care-texas-immigrant-visit-2018-6
  17. Wait, this can't be real... right? EDIT: No, she really wore this jacket during her visit. This is real. Surely this administration is just trolling us now, right?
  18. I only have one AMC near me and I don't like it very much. There are a bunch in town, but they aren't that convenient. I've always preferred Wherenburg, who was recently bought by Marcus, which I was annoyed by at first, but Marcus has done a really good job with everything. Plus, I can buy tickets with their app and not pay a dumb service fee.
  19. "Kids, solution so simple... just marry super rich asshole man. Easy. Be best."
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