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Everything posted by ort

  1. He's screwed now, because if he makes a big deal about this he'll look like an idiot. Well, more of an idiot.
  2. He can't see it because he burned his retinas out when staring at the eclipse.
  3. I've seen that exact opinion many times in the comments on FoxNews.com articles.
  4. Peanuts in Pepsi??? (google) Uh, what? This apparently is a real thing that people do... wow. Next you're going to tell me there are people who put salt on watermelon or cheese on apple pie...
  5. I've never seen a single second from any of these movies. Apparently they're actually enjoyable... who knew... Think I could go into this blind and enjoy it? How kid friendly are these movies?
  6. The Coca-Cola corporation should just run a direct line of coke to every home in america. Every sink in the country should have three knobs. Hot, Cold and Coke.
  7. I was flipping back and forth between the three major news channels last night and came to the sobering reality that they aren't really giving their own spin on the stories... I was watching what looked like the news covering 2 different versions of reality. They were talking about the same things, but you would never know that.
  8. So sad that this company, which she worked so hard to foster and grow will be forced to shut it's doors. Seriously, fuck this company and fuck Ivanka Trump. I wonder how much work she actually did. I bet she went to a meeting a month and was like, uh, so, yeah, I see yellows being big next year, let's go for yellows. Now show me a bunch of sketches and work done by actual talented people who have to work for a living and I'll point at the one I like best after thinking about it for 15 seconds. Off to the Hamptons... buh buy! I'm an executive! I'm a big girl business lady!
  9. Advance Wars on the iPhone would be a dream come true for me. Just port it over and charge $20. They don’t even have to do anything drastic.
  10. That is indistinguishable from a parody trailer.
  11. I could be wrong. If I wanted to form a more nuanced opinion on this I would need to read more and I really don't care enough to dive deeper.
  12. It is homophobic... but here's the thing. It's one person with a sign. Not a spokesperson for all liberals. If liberal A says mocking brunch is homophobic, and liberal B who doesn't know liberal A makes a homophobic sign, it's not a sign of hypocracy. It's two different people. If you find one article by a liberal that says one thing, and another article by a different liberal contradicts it, it doesn't mean that all liberals are mixed up. It means those two people have different opinions. I mean, this is the most obvious shit in the world and it drives me crazy. Both sides do it all the time and it's just dumb.
  13. I dunno, I understand what he was trying to say and don't find it offensive enough to care. He's still a douchebag, but meh.
  14. It is one of my all time favorites. Movie doesn't get the love it deserves.
  15. I really didn't like season 2 much. Season One felt like a cool small story that took place in the 80s. Season 2 felt like a bloated, unbelievable story that took place in an 80s movie. It felt like an unnecessary movie sequel. I think they tried to hard to repeat all of the iconic story beats from season one and in the process screwed up what was so special and different about it. I'll still watch season 3, but I'm no longer super excited about it. This teaser looks like it's hitting the nostalgia drum a little too hard. We get it, the show takes place in the 80s. Okay already. You're trying too hard.
  16. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/07/17/rand-paul-sides-with-trump-on-russia-says-critics-motivated-by-dislike-president.html This is good too. People are only being critical of the president because they don't like him. Yeah motherfucker, but why don't we like him? Hmmmm.... what a mystery... could it possible be that he's a terrible person and an even worse president and he makes us all look like fools?
  17. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/07/17/russian-meddling-in-election-meant-as-warning-to-clinton-former-ag-says.html Ha, this is the lead story on Fox News. They aren't even trying to pretend to be a real news source anymore. They don't even have to. They've come to fully understand just how stupid and gullible their audience is and they've doubled down.
  18. I watched parts of Hannity last night and he didn't even play the controversial clips. He just pretended like they didn't happen. It really felt like I was watching news from another dimension or something.
  19. I hadn't been paying much attention to this because it didn't seem to deserve it... but I had assumed that people were mad because she was going to be playing a man who had transitioned into a woman. I could see how that might rub some people the wrong way... sure... But people were mad because she was playing a woman who lives her life as a man? Really?
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