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Everything posted by ort

  1. ...or the Wilber Ross stuff... Either one of those would have been the largest scandal of the Obama presidency and would have been headline news for weeks. Neither story is even a blip on the radar in Trump world.
  2. Some angry woman posted this quote in the comments section of Fox News to “prove” that Obama was just as down on Fox News as Trump is on everything that isn’t Fox. Wow, look at that, he’s being so anti-Fox. Wowsers. What a salacious comment. Exactly like Trump. Why, if you look at everything Obama said about Fox News over 8 years, you can find 3 or 4 similar quotes to this. It’s like, the EXACT same thing... uh...
  3. Fuck right it is! If Missouri goes back to being a battleground state like it was in my teens, I’ll be thrilled.
  4. If every person on the planet buys 16 headphone dongles, Apple will make that 2nd trillion!
  5. It's popular enough that people will seek it out. And hey, they can do this for a while and then put it on the play store later. They really have little to lose.
  6. All of my wife cables look like this and none of mine do. It's from using it too much while plugged in and being too rough. If you take care of the cables they last just fine. That said, yeah, they should totally make stronger cables. That said again, I always buy 3rd party cheapies. I'm not paying their price for cables. Screw that. You can get a good lightning cable for like $5 bucks online.
  7. Yeah, it sucks on a phone. The performance is decent, but the controls are predictably awful.
  8. Fortnite has made $160 million dollars on iOS in like 4 months. It's insane. 100 million downloads... If it was a normal game, 100 million "sales" would put it third on the list of best selling games... right after Minecraft and Tetris.
  9. I think they just pay the ransom on iOS. Unless there is some weird back door thing going on, they give the normal cut to apple. Google is really going to have to draw a line in the sand, or this could get messy for them.
  10. Put me in as another vote for T1 being a way way way superior movie compared to T2. T2 is an enjoyable romp, and was a groundbreaking action movie... but a terrible sequel to Terminator... and dumb as a box of rocks. T1 was also groundbreaking and was a cinematic masterpiece of pacing and tone and is just super tight and focused and smart and unique. T2 is just a big dumb spectacle that seemed to miss the entire point and is like the bland focus grouped hollywood version of the first one, only bigger and badder. Great bad guy and action scenes though. I'm tired of debating this topic though, so meh. Also, everything that isn't T1 or T2 is hot garbage. All of it.
  11. I know people frequently complain that this show is slow and I guess it is in some ways... but I could watch these characters/actors sit around and eat cereal and I would find it endlessly amusing. So I enjoy the pacing.
  12. Yes. I am loving this show. If Preacher gets cancelled because all of you fucknuts aren't watching it, I'm going to punch you all in your weiners. Preacher might be my favorite show on TV. Season 3 is killing it. I love the playful tone of the show. It's so dark and yet so goofy. This is truly a show that doesn't give a fuck.
  13. I think this looks pretty cool. How much is this going to cost and when does it come out?
  14. I'd like to see it done Dreamworks style with wacky celebrity voiced animals and lots of fart jokes and lazy pop culture gags.
  15. I think it's more generational. Attitudes will change now that todays adults have grown up in a world of video games. Once they've existed for multiple generations, they will be more of a socially acceptable past time.
  16. It is pretty funny how this stuff works. We pay money so my son can have private hockey lessons, but the idea of paying money for Fortnite lessons still feels ludicrous. It's also funny, because when I was a kid/teen, I was crazy into the entire video game scene. My brother played hockey. My parents hated everything about video games and loved that he played hockey. I used to spend hours arguing that they were more similar than different and that it was BS that they were willing to spend thousands of dollars and multiple hours every week to support him playing hockey but refused to support my hobby. Now I'm the parent and I argue the opposite side with my kid... who loves both hockey and video games... but hates going to his private 1-on-1 skating lessons and just wants to stay home and play fortnite with his friends... meh, whatever, circle of life...
  17. This is frog boiling crap right here... if any other president at any other point in our history made statements like that it would be all the world talked about for months.
  18. My 9yo and most of his friends are obsessed with this game.
  19. I'm about to do this. There are tutorials online. I've never touched a Raspberry Pi in my life, but it doesn't look very hard at all if you're somewhat computer savvy.
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