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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I mean, I want to have hope in people, but after a while, it’s clear theres none.
  2. This is all he does. Repeat right wing talking points but doesn’t elaborate or offer to explain any of it. I don’t really think he even knows how. This is we’re gonna get from him. He has no interest in actual discourse.
  3. Thanks, rich snobs of Dallas. You’re ruining the country for the middle class.
  4. It seemed serious enough, especially given your past statements, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Still no doubt Best took your words almost verbatim.
  5. Just for once, I wish you'd actually defend the stuff you spout. Just a little bit of evidence. There's a reason Dems did well in the middle class Rust Belt and it's not the "rich snobs." You seem to believe in the bullshit you spout wholeheartedly, so it should be easy for you to defend.
  6. I have a somewhat physically disabled aunt who relies on government and my grandparents money to get by as she’s never held a paying job in her life, but votes 100% Republican because of her fundamentalist Christian views. sigh.
  7. I hate it because he really is a decent person in other aspects. He never was political before Trump. He just has the brain worms now.
  8. That must by why my brother is an election denying Trumper, he never finished college.
  9. That librul Arkansas nursin’ school indoctrination, ayup.
  10. I thought about responding to Dodger, too, but I just wasn’t in the mood that particular moment. They both dumb for saying it, though.
  11. I had a George Bush sticker on my car in high school. But that was before I could vote. College was when my views really started changing.
  12. Not really. Just repeating MAGA talking points isn’t going to get you anywhere here. @mclumber1 isn’t a Democrat, for instance.
  13. It could go either way. I’m never sure with him. I think if he does actually vote, he’d lean to the right.
  14. Goddamn, I don’t want the nutter Lake to win in AZ.
  15. Fuck, AZ just had a big drop favoring the GOP. I wish I knew more details on the remaining count. Please don’t let the fucking election deniers win.
  16. I voted against all 4 of my state’s ballot measures. The first three were awful and the fourth was for marijuana legalization but it was a shit bill and I voted against it.
  17. Wooo, small victory. My democratic state rep kept her seat against the anti-trans bigot. And looks like my Democratic state senator will retain his seat, too.
  18. I’m working tonight and tomorrow, then off to my parents to deer hunt this weekend. God of War has to wait til next week.
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