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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I didn’t know who this vermin was before today. Good job, guys. May he rot.
  2. I'd prefer this. On the really rare occasion I order a burger there, they never get it right.
  3. Midway(2019) 8/10 Honestly, I really liked it and don’t quite understand the low scores from critics. But I usually enjoy a good war movie.
  4. Raw ground beef is different than a steak, though. It does carry a risk.
  5. Well, it finally happened. I had a positive test. Been at my parents’ for Christmas and I’ve been a little under the weather, had a sore throat for a couple days, then sinus congestion. Today, I noted I couldn’t smell or taste much of anything, so I took one of the home tests they had laying around and it was positive. I wouldn’t really give a shit, except my mom is currently on chemo and her WBCs are super low as of her Friday labs. So I feel really bad about that. She tested and it was negative, so we decided to do the two hour drive home tonight instead of risking it further. Not the way I wanted to leave what was otherwise a nice Christmas visit.
  6. Nah, I do that year round. I’m super happy with what I got this year.
  7. Husband got me Tactics Ogre for Switch and Crisis Core on PS5, along with a couple of Kirby plushies. Parents got me a North Face jacket, a new wallet, some gloves and heated socks for hunting, a sling for my new rifle, a hoodie, and mom had a quilt made from a bunch of old tee shirts I gave her. Brother gave me a hanta precision knife, a book, a tee shirt, and some jerky. Grandma gave me cash, which I’ll probably buy a new kitchen knife with. Cousin gave me a PSN gift card. Aunt gave me a Bass Pro gift card. Another aunt gave me some pajama pants and a Snoopy bookend.
  8. Steak sushi most any kind of seafood, but especially boiled crawfish this spicy Italian sausage pasta recipe I found online
  9. Just once, I think. A year or so ago we were at Texas Roadhouse and I ordered my ribeye rare and they brought it more like well done. I felt bad about it, because I typically don't complain, but I was nice and the waitress was nice about it and they fixed it quickly.
  10. We got down to 2 degrees overnight here. And around 6 this morning, the gas cut out. I woke up at 9, couldn't sleep and it was 60 degrees in the house. I guess the cold fucked with stuff because the whole area of the city was without. It's back now, though.
  11. I think I’ve said plenty about the shit I deal with at my job. Just applied for a new position last night. My fingers are crossed.
  12. I usually really like Skarsgard, but you’re right. He did seem bored throughout. Movie has a good RT score, so it kinda bums me that I didn’t care much for this one.
  13. My brother is an assistant manager at a grocery store and he's told me stories about one of the other managers who worked there for a long time. Dude was in his 50s, but was a fucking perv to the teenage girls they hired. He'd had multiple complaints, but was never fired. He did end up leaving for another job a few months ago, but it just infuriated me how this creep got away with this behavior for so long.
  14. The Northman - 6/10 I usually love Viking stuff, but this was just weird. The action scenes were fine, but it didn't do much for me overall.
  15. Yep. That was Subway and it was my second job, just as I was graduating high school. My first was at a little locally owned BBQ place and for reasons I cannot fathom, some of the girls there decided to make my life a living hell. Like shoved dirty rags in my face, put dog shit in my car, covered my car in grease another time, just general cruelty. So no sexual harassment, just torture. I didn't understand because I'd known them, they were a year ahead of me in school and had graduated, and I never had any issue with them at school. We had no real associations. Nearly 20 years later and I still don't understand it. Walmart was the first decent job I ever had. Strange as that sounds, it was a bigger company with a lot of employees and they had actual policies they followed.
  16. That really sucks. I was sexually harassed at an early job by an assistant manager. Problem was, he was the owners’ son, so nothing was done. I reported him to corporate and ended up getting fired soon after for my first sick day in all the time I’d worked there.
  17. I don't think I played enough this year to made a judgement. Ragnarok looked great, though. And I know it was 2021, but I played through my first Ratchet & Clank game this year with Rift Apart and it was really stunning.
  18. Yeah, I feel pretty confident in saying you're a very real person.
  19. I remember when she kept trying to call and text me and when I blocked her number, she used Wut's phone to do it and I blocked that one too. She did apologize for her shitty behavior towards me for so long and didn't attack me anymore. She just found other targets, I guess.
  20. I'm pretty much just like fuck Red Sox ownership at this point. This is an embarrassment for a team in this market.
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