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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I’m literally just talking about myself and one specific game. And I don’t buy a ton of games at full price anymore. Again, I don’t like this trend. I’m not defending it.
  2. Kind of an odd question. Obviously Nintendo isn't going to start charging $150 for base games. I don't like the price hike, but it is what it is. If it's something I'm really excited for, I'm not gonna let a few bucks stop me.
  3. Hey, I just hunt, I'm not a gun nut. That's probably why. Plus all my other liberal tendencies, video games, nursing, and now hockey!
  4. I'm still happy with my 2017 Colorado. I figure I'll drive it for a few more years, unless it starts having a lot of issues. I bought a Savage 220 slug gun for deer hunting in November, I'm happy with that. I'd like to have a 20 gauge for bird and squirrel at some point.
  5. Same. Mine remains around 550. I'm currently at 11 books so far. But I have been gaming a lot more lately. Started Shuggie Bain on my Kindle this morning. I seem to always need to have something going on Kindle nowadays.
  6. I played the entire series 15 or so years ago and got through it just fine. Loved the games. Then I got the REmake on PC when that released and tried tro play with tank controls and noped out pretty quick. Thankfully that version gives the option for standard controls, so I played it like that and it's still one of my favorite games of all time. The remakes are great. RE2 was amazing and I really enjoyed RE3, though it's not as good. But as said above, people forget it started out as a spinoff and the length of the game reflects that.
  7. He has docks for the bedroom and living room TVs. Then he has his own PC on a 48” OLED and of course our game room PC with the 65” OLED. The docks are convenient for when he just wants to lay in bed and play.
  8. He wanted the security of being out of debt. It was considered, but we'd already paid off so much by that point. Our rate was 4%. He's already gone through the roth IRA stuff and said we're good, bitcoin stuff included. He's basically made finance a hobby in recent years. He reads about it like I read about history.
  9. I don't know that I want the headache of rentals, though. But it's certainly something we can discuss. Found out we didn't quite hit the income threshold for our Roth IRAs, so I'm gonna try to put as much as I can in mine by April.
  10. Yeah, that's what he does sometimes. Just goes to the bedroom, docks it, and plays PC games. I read a recent IGNB article on it a few days ago that really hyped me up on it.
  11. Yep, I knew about that. I'll likely watch it sometime after I've finished SOA.
  12. I'm super happy right now. Husband surprised me the other day with the payoff note. He'd talked about cashing in a bit of his bitcoin and just paying it all off this year, but I didn't realize he was doing it so soon and I haven't paid much attention to the crypto situation. We bought our house in Oct 2014 for $250k. We've paid heavily this whole time because he liked the idea of not having a mortgage payment hanging over out heads. Still will be putting $200 aside every month to pay for the insurance and taxes, but I'll still have an additional $1100 each month. Right now, I'm going to splurge on some PC upgrades in March and increase my 401k contribution. Then I'm going to figure out some more investing stuff. I'm 35 years old and completely debt free. Feels real good.
  13. I'm glad our property is just outside of the POA here. I never hear anything good about them.
  14. We'll see. 1tb should be enough for a while. Not sure how much I'll be playing the big games on it. Definitely going to be my new home for indies. Husband got the 512gb version when they launched and added a 1tb micro SD. I'm just really excited to get it in. Even though Switch is currently dominating my gaming time right now.
  15. If I were starving for something to play, I probably wouldn't let my dislike of JKR keep me from buying the game. But seeing as how I'm far less enthusiastic about the series now and I have more to play than I can possibly handle, it's not a big loss for me to skip this.
  16. Roald Dahl was a problematic author. But he’s dead, so I don’t feel bad spending money on some of his books now.
  17. It was actually getting back into my Switch that made me consider the Deck. I’m currently absorbed in the new Fire Emblem, so my Switch isn’t going anywhere.
  18. No, I’m talking about her comments on trans people. I don’t hate HP and I still have my books and a decent few tshirts I wear. It’s just dampened my former enthusiasm for the series.
  19. I never gave any thought to the goblin stuff before, but it makes sense. I’ve never been a big fantasy buff, but the goblins seemed about like most other portrayals, so maybe it wasn’t deliberate on her part. The transphobic stuff was deliberate and it’s what turned me off of her. Sucks because before all that, she had done so much good with her wealth.
  20. Husband has loved his all this time and I decided to go for it. Had some extra cash from Christmas and finally selling my PS4 Pro. I ordered the 64gb model, but I also ordered a 1tb nvme for $160, so it comes out cheaper than the most expensive model and I get more storage. Can’t wait to for it to arrive!
  21. JKR has just decimated my love for a series I was obsessed with for so many years. I still keep my HP books from my youth, but I haven't done my yearly reread of the series in a handful of years now. I just have almost no interest in new HP stuff, this game included. Nevermind the fact I have so much else to play that it's not like I feel I'm missing out.
  22. I know I told him at the time what he’d missed out on, but it’s been a decade and he hasn’t indicated he remembers, so I’ll keep quiet for a week.
  23. Goddamn. Just watched Gemma tell Jax and Clay about her rape. I had chills. Eyes were stinging. That’s gonna stick with me. I guess it’s about to get bloody.
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