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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I’ve stuck with Metroid Prime, so it’ll be more of that tonight. I’m over halfway through. Gonna stick with it til I’m done.
  2. What a collapse. I know I’m new to hockey but it’s crazy to see a team that was almost unbeatable in the regular season just fall apart in the first round.
  3. I don’t know I’ve ever seen someone say IV was their favorite. I mean, it’s up there for me, but I’d rank VI and IX first, maybe even V.
  4. I don't know if I can watch this game tonight. Ughhhhh
  5. It's been a long time since I played it, but I usually rank IX as my second favorite, behind VI.
  6. You come to a thread on abortion and call people who have had abortions murderers, then said you like to come rule people up on this forum. What else did you expect?
  7. I mean, his twin could have easily had just as shitty views. But yeah, even I wouldn't have gone there and Best probably hates me more than anyone here.
  8. I’m gonna check it out. I normally don’t overspend and I pay the balances of my cards monthly, so I’m never paying interest. So I’m not horrible with my money. But I definitely need to get on track to saving and investing more since I’ve got the extra cashflow form no mortgage.
  9. Yeah, every year this time my husband does a calculation of our net worth, so I had to tell him the balances on all my accounts and let's just say it wasn't the best time for me to divulge that. Like, he should have waited about 4 weeks.
  10. Same. I despise the GOP. And to be clear, I don't disagree with what you said above. I was just speaking on what I personally wish would happen. Let people hunt, so long as they get licensed and register their firearms(doesn't the UK have something like that?) and ban semi-automatics and handguns. That would do such much in cutting down on gun violence. But you're most likely right in that give the nuts an inch and they'll take a mile. Either way the 2nd needs to be gone and it'll never happen.
  11. Yep, the culture is depressing as fuck. My books are in bigger danger of being banned than my guns.
  12. Well, unfortunately we're at a point where even the little things can't get done. I don't see any of that changing in my lifetime. I'll just have to keep being one of the sane ones who doesn't worship my guns or see them as an essential part of my identity.
  13. This woke chick ain't broke. I take that back. I've splurged way too much since paying off the house, so I am a little broke until I get a couple more paychecks. I'll survive.
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