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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Phew, Sign Here was pretty awful. Time for a palate cleanser. Starting The Moon is Down by John Steinbeck. I think my new nonfiction will be Black Snow: Curtis Lemay, the Firebombing of Tokyo and the Road to the Atomic Bomb by James M Scott.
  2. A 4 game sweep of Toronto(or any division rival) is nice to see. And Yoshida has busted out. Maybe I like this guy.
  3. I listened to Edmund Fitzgerald last night at work and got chills. It always does that to me.
  4. Maybe the Panthers are the team of destiny this year.
  5. Lol, actually I was a mix of being confused and worried something had happened to the dog on their walk.
  6. So something legit weird just happened. I'm sitting here drinking my coffee before work and my husband left about 20 minutes ago for a walk with the dog. Front door was unlocked and I heard it open and someone step in. I was confused because I knew he shouldn't have been back at this point, so I opened the door and there's a Black woman going back to her vehicle. She apologized and asked if this was 2207 and I said it wasn't. Apparently she was looking for an AirBnB in my neighborhood and walked into the wrong house. I clearly saw the papers in her hand. We had a good laugh and she thanked me for being understanding. Weird? Yep. But given all the recent news, it could have ended badly if she'd accidentally walked into the wrong house. What a world.
  7. City on Fire was awesome. Ill be reading the sequel in the near future. I think I'm gonna start Sign Here by Claudia Lux next. I'm always behind with my BOTM stack.
  8. Not gonna lie, I really love the spoke B and that black and gold hits. But I also really like the Wild jerseys, along with the Stars. Something about the green.
  9. VI is also my husband’s favorite but he hated IX. He played it when it was new, though, and admits to it not being what he expected at the time. I told him to give it another go. We both hated X.
  10. At least I can take comfort in the Yankees poor start.
  11. That requires more work and knowledge, along with significantly more expensive ammo. Which is why mass shooters go buy the cheaper and easier to use AR.
  12. I'm all for it. But I think you underestimate the dedication of gun nuts in this country. Especially the type of people who go out and buy ARs.
  13. I doubt the gun culture in Australia was what it is here. There's also a lot more guns in circulation here. Don't get me wrong, I'm all good with buybacks, but I question how many people are going to willingly sell back these guns when they based their identity around them. And I doubt the people who can afford all these guns are the same ones struggling to pay rent.
  14. No, you're correct. There's just a big difference in the effectiveness of an AR or similar style gun with a detachable 30 round magazine or the old .30-06 semi-auto my father-in-law used to hunt with that holds like 4 or 5 rounds.
  15. Yes, I'm well aware, but the point is, you're not going to commit a mass shooting and blow away dozens of people in minutes with a high powered bolt-action hunting rifle that hold 5 rounds. That's what makes the AR and similar guns so deadly effective.
  16. The "gangstas in the hood" shooting each other with handguns doesn't stick in the news for days on end. I'm not saying that's all it is with handguns, but it's definitely the perception a lot of every day people have. Most people don't care about suicides, either, unless it directly affects them.
  17. I'd ban handguns, too. I just think the assault rifles get a lot of press since they've become the de facto choice for mass shooters and the damage they cause is horrific.
  18. Guns aren't exactly cheap. The ammo is pretty expensive these days, too. I paid $45 for a box of 20 shells for my 7mm-08. Kinda ridiculous.
  19. Nah, it’s a really fun game. I’m not giving up. Just a crushing loss, getting excited about this team all season for a first round exit. Hard to believe.
  20. I'm sad. Okay, time for Metroid to cleanse my sorrows.
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