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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Because you don’t come in specifically to troll. And whatever you believe, you tend to respect opposing views. Or at least not try to antagonize people over it.
  2. I just made a post in the Zelda thread. So you don't have to keep coming to this one, since it's upsetting you so much.
  3. Oh, FFS. You're free to not come into the thread. It's not difficult.
  4. I get so sick of "this gay crap is being shoved down my throat." How? It's not. Fuck off. It reeks of "you're intolerant because you won't tolerate my intolerance."
  5. That was fun. Probably my favorite since the Infinity War/Endgame. Fulfilled a lot of good character arcs and was funny, while also making me sad at times. I’ve always like the GotG movies, though.
  6. They’ve been doing it for a while. I think the last one I donated to was for a mass shooting last year(sad that I can recall which one) and it asked for a tip.
  7. I had Chick-fil-a yesterday after work. I was hungry after my workout and bought a chicken biscuit for me and brought one home for the husband. I almost never go there, but the hospital cafeteria serves it now and I’ve had it a few times since they moved in.
  8. I order weekly groceries at Walmart and pick them up. I don’t typically go to multiple stores on one trip.
  9. I really don’t know how I failed to list The Shawshank Redemption. Movie is perfect.
  10. I go to Walmart, I go to Target, I go to Kroger. I pretty much go anywhere that has what I’m looking for. It’s not a big deal.
  11. I'm sure I did at Cardinals games as a kid. Haven't done it as an adult.
  12. Starting Hitler: Ascent 1889-1939 by Volker Ullrich for nonfiction. This will probably take me a while to get through. I still need to read that one, but I'm anticipating his newest next week. Got it preordered.
  13. Speaking for myself, there’s hardly anyone here I refuse to engage at all. He’s basically fine with games. Just sometimes you can not be in a great mental state and you read a certain comment and you just see red and need to say something .
  14. I mean, that’s fine. We’ve been down this road repeatedly, so it’s whatever at this point. Just seeing you in this thread still playing the victim like you were persecuted because of your beliefs just crawls all over me. You know why you were banned and so does everyone else who read that thread. Shit is very real for some of us. You’ll never truly know.
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