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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Okay, I lied. There was some stuff I needed. Got a weighted blanket. Been wanting to try one for a while and I’m ready to get rid of our comforter. It’s looking rough. Also got a new set of sheets for the guest room. Others were old and I’ve been sleeping down there some since our differing sleep schedules and my snoring disrupt him on nights we don’t go to bed together. It’s also my library, so I don’t mind it. Ordered a Trtl travel pillow because I’m gonna need something for my neck on this flight to Japan. Got a bag of dog treats for half off, some face wash, and Crème Savers.
  2. I hardly know most of these. I still think of Banjo, Conker, and Jet Force Gemini as Nintendo series. Spyro hit it big on Playstation.
  3. Nope. I just think, "man, I could buy all these books with that money."
  4. Astrology would definitely be a turn off for me. Recently read this pretty good sapphic romance, but one of the MCs was an astrologist and I just couldn't....
  5. I bought some women’s hiking shorts. Not much I really need, tbh.
  6. I don’t like the original, so I’ll pass. Fuck them Oompa Loompas, man.
  7. Currently reading No Exit by Taylor Adams and The Ascent by Ronald Malfi.
  8. Sorry that happened. I see a walking boot in your future.
  9. Ohhhh, I’d never seen the movie lol
  10. was the only appropriate response. How’d you fail so bad?
  11. Yep, I always respond with homophobic and misogynistic slurs when people say not nice things to me. It's only appropriate. If they're a racial or ethnic minority, even better!
  12. Of course my AG was one of them. For some reason, I thought he was one of the more moderate Rs, but he's gone full idiot. He's appealing the ruling overturning the ban of transgender care for minors.
  13. Yeah, it’s been so long ago, I’ve forgiven him and we reconciled. He’s still a dumbass(dressed his kid as Trump for Halloween one year), but he’s off the drugs and seems stable. That’s good. His kids do need him.
  14. And he did it again. He just can't help himself. It's who he is. Also, I never said she was married, just in a relationship. At least get the facts right if you're gonna attack me with disgusting names.
  15. Only other relationship aside from my husband was a guy I dated for a year in high school. I'd known his as a younger kid, was great friends with his cousin and loved his aunt(who lived on the street behind me). We started dating during my junior year and I thought I was in love, yada yada, he was crazy about me, blah blah. He'd been in trouble with the law before and long story short, I found out he was on meth. I immediately dumped him. He didn't take it well. Stalked me for a while. When he found out I was going to Winter formal with another guy(as friends) he went crazy and threatened to kill me. Principal was informed in case he showed up and he did. He was escorted out. But my dad suspected he hadn't left and sure enough, he walked outside and found him sitting in his car. My dad can be an intimidating man, he's big and burly, but I've never seen him violent. But he said that shit-eating grin on my ex's face just sent him into a rage. He opened the car door, shoved him to the passenger side and choked him out. His face was turning blue. Said something like "if you ever come near my daughter again, I'll fucking kill you." We'd already filed a legal complaint by that time and went to court shortly after where I had to testify before a judge and was granted a restraining order. I met my husband around this time and things were better after that. He spent most of his 20s in and out of prison, had a couple kids with two different women. I haven't spoken to him since he got out last in 2016, but from what I've heard he's turned it around. Married a much older woman who he had a kid with, but he's got an auto shop and cleaned up his act. I'm happy for him.
  16. I’d also second the Arkham Knight, especially if you’ve played the others. It was a good end to a fantastic series. I need to repay it sometime, as I’ve replayed all the others. Im a fan of Assassin’s Creed and I enjoyed all the last gen games, but if you just want one, I’d go with Odyssey.
  17. I love these “experts in a given field review scenes from these movies/shows.” So entertaining.
  18. No, he said he was really done with me this time. He really means it, unlike all the other times. Really really really. There are definitely more slurs waiting down the line, lol.
  19. I just saw a scene toward the end between two guys and a tearful goodbye or something and I got romantic vibes. I didn’t have any context. I asked if they were gay and he said yep. I look forward to playing this soon. The darker themes appealed to me from the first trailer and I was waiting to see how it played. But that looks good, too. So I’m pretty excited for it.
  20. I called him out and he called me a slur this morning. Because that’s what he does.
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