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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I bought Live A Live, Tactics Ogre Reborn, and Triangle Strategy on PC the other day. All were on sale and though I have them all on Switch, I wanted them for my Steam Deck and sometimes I have no self control. YOLO
  2. Such persecution. Wade, save him!
  3. Alrighty, current reads are now: Home Front by Kristin Hannah(in the mood for something sappy and dramatic), and for nonfiction, I started To Hell and Back: The Last Train from Hiroshima by Charles Pellegrino.
  4. Different words, different meanings. I would say when you repeatedly use terms to describe women like bitch, cunt, lesbian, dyke, etc, you’re probably a misogynistic piece of dookie.
  5. I meant misogynistic bastards, which can include those guys, so sure. It can be a broad umbrella.
  6. It’s usually a pretty specific type of man who does that. Shocking.
  7. And it’s always called for if they say something I don’t like. 🫠
  8. He apparently has trouble understanding bisexuality. Smooth brain and all. Just can't comprehend that some people are attracted to more than one gender. I mean, my redneck father is the same way. The things I've heard him say...
  9. He likes to alternate the insults. He's only got a couple, so he uses what variety he can.
  10. I didn’t realize it was Gary Oldman until after then I went duh. Knew he looked familiar, but Oldman is like a chameleon in his roles. I also missed Casey Affleck and Josh Peck. The treatment of Jews was being reported on in the US papers during the war. Toward the end it was hard to deny, though the scale wasn’t quite known at that point. But Jewish leaders had definitely gotten word of mass murder and it was being reported by then. Ken Burns’ recent doc is still fresh in my mind. I think of it often.
  11. The research is pretty abundant now that hitting your kids is detrimental. There’s really no excuse these days. You can discipline them without hitting them and they can turn out just fine.
  12. People that buy into this are so gullible.
  13. But what about Sound of Freedom?! J/k, glad I went to see Oppenheimer last night, it was great. There was a young guy dressed in the style of the day, that was great. I have a mild curiosity about Barbie, but I’ll least til it’s streaming.
  14. Just got done. The execution was different than I was expecting, but it made it feel more fast paced than you’d expect from a 3 hour movie. It was great. Now gonna go order American Prometheus.
  15. I remember corporal punishment was in my school, but only for the guys. Girls just got detention or suspended, I guess.
  16. Yes. My mom was abusive. I've talked about it on here before. She had this fiberglass board she'd take to my legs or just backhand me across the face if I smart mouthed her. My dad just used a belt. Put your hands on the table, 2-3 licks, that was that. I'll never forget what I went through with my mom. We're in a better place overall these days, but it still hangs over me.
  17. Looks like about $10 a ticket. But we never see mantinees. Most of the time I’m just fine waiting to pirate a movie when it comes to streaming.
  18. Ordered my tickets for tomorrow in IMAX. Freaking $42 for two. This is why I don’t go to the theater often. But I really wanna see this. I don’t remember when we last saw something in the theater that wasn’t a comic book adaptation.
  19. Yeah, I've seen several conservatives on my FB feed post about this movie and how it beat Indiana Jones or something at the box office and how the media elite want to push it under the rug or something. Not surprised to read that.
  20. I definitely plan on watching Mayans after SoA. What’s the timeline on it?
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