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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Maybe I’ll give one of them a try. I’m sure he’d be excited about it
  2. Something on the less serious side I’ve never seen: Any of the Back to the Future movies. Husband always gives me shit over those. But they’ve just never appealed to me. and I know people probably remember I never saw any of the Star Wars movies until a handful of years ago. Never did get around to Return of the Jedi. Lost interest.
  3. Yeah, I love when I finally see the movie a famous meme is from. I’ve seen that Ray Liotta laughing scene so many times, so it was cool finally seeing the origins.
  4. Been sidequesting for a while. Working tonight, but when I play tomorrow, I plan on tackling the Water Temple. I'm 95+ hours in and still loving it, but feel like I need to start trying to wrap it up so I don't get burnt out. Plus, I've got some other games I want to get to.
  5. It makes me sad how little people read nowadays. And those who do read but limit themselves to 50 Shades and Colleen Hoover.
  6. I don't watch a ton of movies in general. I prefer reading or gaming. And when I do watch stuff, I like to get invested in a good show. But there are a lot of classics I've missed over the years and I want to fix some of that.
  7. Yeah. Now that I work psych, I have more free time. Patients are in bed by 10, usually earlier. I give them meds between 8-9 and there’s nothing til we get them up between 530-6. So really all I have to do during those middle hours is round hourly. Unless we’re getting hit with admits, it isn’t very busy. Most people just do stuff on their phones, I read. And staffing is way better. We always have patient care techs and they’re really good. So I’m not running my ass off all night like I was before. Day shift psych is busier with discharges and group therapy and meals and all that. But I hear it’s still not that bad for the most part.
  8. Just finished it. I really liked it. Really thought Henry was gonna get whacked at the end. I went into it knowing absolutely nothing except it was about the Mafia, so everything was a surprise. I remember reading how Joe Pesci has to make those garbled noises in Home Alone because he dropped so many f-bombs while filming this. His character was pretty great. Think I’ll watch Scarface soon. Another I haven’t seen.
  9. I actually never saw the Jurassic Park movies until a few years ago. Weird, since I was a child of the 90s, obsessed with dinosaurs and even had some of the toys, lol. I thought the series was pretty fun. Still haven’t seen the most recent film.
  10. Same. But I just bought the book today and I want to read it before I watch.
  11. Trying to find an appropriate title, but the gist is, what movies haven't you seen that people go like "WTF you haven't seen that?!" To be fair, I've never been a huge movie buff, so there's tons of classic films I haven't seen. Tonight, I decided to finally watch Goodfellas. Husband have never seen it either. Here we go! Will post thoughts when I'm done.
  12. Woo, finished home Front last night, completing my goal of 80 books for the year. Didn't expect to read this much, especially gaming a lot of more than the last couple years. But my new job allows for a fair bit of reading time, so that probably accounts for it. Started Black River by Matthew Spencer on my Kindle.
  13. I think we're going to go to this FF14 cafe in Japan while we're there. His friend is supposed to do the reservations. Unsure if it'll be on Osaka or Tokyo, but everyone else is pretty excited. I'll go along for the ride.
  14. I can’t feel bad for the evil bastard. These people should not be in charge of running the government.
  15. I never completely understood the idea of a starter house. Love my house and I’ll live here forever, unless I decide to move to another state.
  16. It’s entertaining sometimes. Just low hanging fruit when I’m bored. But I got a night of Zelda and books now.
  17. Bitch, cunt, lesbian, dyke, and more. But okay. Lololol
  18. I’ll throw a party for my 40k.
  19. I did an AMA way back when for some early milestone here. I don’t even know what my current post count is. Maybe I should check.
  20. One thread is constant? Bro definitely overthinks his self-importance. Lmao
  21. I love it. I've only ever played the DS remake, but I intend to play the Pixel Remaster at some point. I want to go through all of them eventually.
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