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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. He just wants to roll out of bed and eat something at his desk with no effort. He doesn't even toast the Pop Tarts. He does like Toaster Strudels, he eats them when we visit my family because my mom often keeps them. Weekends, he steps it up to an Eggo Waffle. Sometimes I think I married a man-child.
  2. I'm about ready to wash my hands of my brother-in-law. He's 44 and I couldn't tell you when he last held a steady job. He's suffered with crippling depression for years and just sits around doing nothing or intermittently holds an odd job. For a while, he was gardening and making jellies and jams and selling them at farmer's market, stuff like that. I know his parents have heavily supported him financially over the years. I never knew him to be much of a drinker, really. Their biological dad is a piece of shit alcoholic who they have nothing to do with. Part of the reason my husband has never drank. The last few years, my BIL has started drinking heavily to the point he's a full blown alcoholic and does absolutely nothing to support himself. He said he only started because he couldn't sleep, doesn't really like it, but doesn't want to go through withdrawls. Except he's done detox twice now, gotten through all that, and goes right back to it. He's supposed to be entering some new treatment program soon, but his mom and stepdad said t his is it for them. She recently lost her job through shitty circumstances and stepdad is disabled. They can't keep supporting him. I'm skeptical this new program will work because of his long history and if it doesn't, we've already said we aren't going to keep him afloat. It sounds harsh, but what else can you do? You can't keep pouring money into someone endlessly who hasn't really wanted to be productive for almost all of his adult life.
  3. Popeye's is really the only fast food chicken I eat and that's really rare. Don't want that, though. I just like their regular chicken, it's so crispy. Chick-fil-a is so overrated. It's not bad or anything, but I don't see why people lose their minds over it. It's in the cafeteria at work and once in a blue moon, I'll buy a couple chicken biscuits when I get off work and give one to my spouse to break the monotony of his Pop Tart breakfasts.
  4. I'll never quit caffeine. I get a terrible headache if I approach 24 hours without it. I do a cup of black coffee(Death Wish Blue and Buried is my favorite) before work, sometimes I have a can of whatever soda, I drink iced tea, etc. No energy drinks, those are nasty.
  5. Nah, it’s cool. You have to laugh sometimes. I really do feel so much better since transferring from my old job. And I truly enjoy working with these patients most of the time. There’s just always rough patches and this week has been a booger. Im pretty animated at this job. My coworkers are always laughing at me.
  6. Well, tonight has been a bit better. Mr fingerpainter did it again. Shit in his mouth this time, in addition to the nose. I cut his nails because they were ridiculously long and had so much shit under them. That was quite possibly the most disgusting thing I’ve ever done in my career. I’m so glad I’m off the next three nights.
  7. Seattle has been so good as of late and exciting to watch. And the Yankees continue to founder. I’m dying to see a sub .500 season from them.
  8. It’s been an atrocious defensive season. I am legit excited about some of these prospects and some younger guys like Duran and Bello making contributions. It’s a promising core for the future even if this season has been full of frustration.
  9. Wilyer Abreu looks promising. Least we should see some previews from exciting young prospects here in the last month of the season.
  10. Drinking a big cup of coffee to get myself ready for tonight. Then I'm off for 3. LEt's do this.
  11. I think it’s safe to chalk this one up to good ole schizophrenia. Oh, wait, butt cream guy. No, he just looks like Steve Harvey. I actually don’t know much about Steve Harvey as a person.
  12. I don’t care if he wants to suck a dick, but necrophilia is disturbing. He said he isn’t homosexual, though. The butt cream guy actually reminds me of Steve Harvey, even said he’s Steve’s nephew. Lol
  13. Another patient just applied butt cream all over his face and bald scalp. Just…why?
  14. I don’t think any of these patients up here are capable of using the internet.
  15. Oh, come on. He abhors pretty much all violence. He may not be the poster child for LGBTQ rights, but you’re going a bit far with this one.
  16. Japan was getting civilians ready to fight to the death with whatever makeshift weapons they could scrounge up. Including children.
  17. I just cleaned shit from a patient’s nose. Wandering around his room, smeared it everywhere, including inside his nostrils. Give me a raise, please.
  18. I never knew Arkansas had an internment camp and George Takei was imprisoned there as a little boy. Learned that a few years back.
  19. It’s easier than the 13 years I spent in med-surg. Most nights aren’t bad. We’ve finally got them all to bed, I jus those they stay there til morning. I’m already worn out.
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