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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Debating on ordering the watch or just going to the Apple store. I want to trade in my current watch and maybe it'll be less hassle if I go to the store. But then the damn store will probably be super busy when all this stuff drops next week. Really wish I had a new phone for the trip, but I just don't wanna drop that much money right before vacation. Ughhhhh.
  2. Yeah, I was in my last three months of high school and couldn’t wait to be done with it. Might have been a bit different if I were a junior and 17. I’m an August birthday, so I was always one of the youngest in my class.
  3. I finished Leopold’s Ghost last night and still working on The Terror. It’s kind of slow going there. I also started September House by Carissa Orlando on my Kindle. Over halfway through it and I like it, but I don’t love the primary characters.
  4. Sort of? I mean, 18 seems like a kind of arbitrary number. You’re mature enough to enlist to go fight and die for your country but not mature enough to have a beer? But it’s also okay to take out a hundred thousand dollars in student loans you may never be able to pay back? We know the frontal lobe isn’t even fully developed until your mid 20s. I dunno where I draw a hard line but there are a lot of inconsistencies there. But for real, I wanna ask these people what would have really changed in 6 months to make it okay for my husband to date me? What tangible maturity gains would I have made in my remaining 3 months of high school and the summer before starting college?
  5. Goddammit, that’s all I needed to hear. I’m asking for a divorce.
  6. No, this was something else, before all the stuff with the Masterton sentencing. It was definitely 19 and 16.
  7. Ewww, I forgot about that. But to be fair, these sorts don’t seem to make an exception for celebs. I forget the exact couple, but it was some article weeks back I commented on where they were all up in arms over some celebrities dating where the gap was 19 and 16.
  8. I mean, maybe if he were in his late 20s or older and pursuing someone just below 18. There’s a definite creep factor there.
  9. No, thank goodness, lol. I mean, my dad did kinda raise his eyebrows when he came to the house for our first date, but I guess his geeky demeanor didn’t seem like much of a threat. Fun fact: we met thanks to his roommate being someone I knew from high school who was also dating my classmate and friend. He said he had a couple girls in mind, so he gave their MSN messenger profiles to him. He looked at the other girl and saw she was 14(!) and was noped out real quick. Asked his roommate wtf he was thinking and dude was like “oh shit, I didn’t realize she was that young.” I still don’t know how that happened but his roomie was kind of an airhead. He was still a little hesitant on me, but we hit it off and the rest was history. Also, I sometimes feel a little disaffected by my fellow progressives. Like, I’m not near as left-wing as I thought, but sometimes I’m okay with that.
  10. Dude, it’s the internet. It doesn’t take much to get keyboard warriors in a fighting mood.
  11. Haha, it was a public comments section regarding and article on Ashton Kutcher. Lot of discussion and some similar comments were made and I jumped in because I was bored. It’s not the first time. I promise it isn’t upsetting. Just a slow night at work.
  12. Because we started dating when I was 17 years and 6 months and he was 20 years and 9 months. Sometimes I love to get them going. I mean, what goes on in these peoples’ minds? Personally speaking what’s your line?
  13. I’ll start planning that out after Japan, but I was thinking next fall. Is that a decent time to go concerning the weather? I wanted to get England, Wales and Scotland in during a two week trip.
  14. Hell, nah. Got a Kirby shirt imma wear to the cafe, tho.
  15. I got myself a nice backpack, should be plenty for each day at least. I’ll take any food recs. We’re staying here in Tokyo, dunno if you’re at all familiar with that area. Access Denied WWW.AIRBNB.COM
  16. I’d actually planned for the UK to be my first international trip, but Covid screwed with our timeline. But we’re doing that next year. I never saw any big US cities as a kid, aside from Memphis and Atlanta. So I spent the last several years catching up on a lot of that.
  17. Oh, my god, I’m gonna bring back so much Kirby shit alone. Yeah, they don’t do walk-ins, so if you don’t get that reservation in, no dice.
  18. I told @stepee I'm make this thread to help him out some for his trip next spring. We're going Oct 7-29. Flying to Osaka and spending 6 nights there, then 2 weeks in Tokyo. While in Osaka, we'll be doing day trips to Hiroshima and Kyoto, also Nara Park. We've got tickets for Universal Studios in Osaka. Early this morning, we reserved our spots for the Kirby Cafe in Tokyo. I'm sure stepee will be interested in going there. The things to note is that reservations for the following month become available on the 10th the month prior at 1800 Japan time. Which meant we had to be ready to reserve at 0400 this morning. The entire month was reserved in under 6 minutes, so you have to be ready to book at soon at the time hits. The site was smooth and we didn't encounter any issues. Only possible hang up is you have to give your name in Katakana, so have that done beforehand. Husband basically had all the needed info on a notepad and he just copy/pasted into the fields real quick. We aren't paying for lodging, which made the decision to stay 3 weeks easy. Going with 2 of his best friends, one of whom retired from AirBnB earlier this year and had a ton of credits to use as part of his benefits package. Both places we're staying look nice. Can't wait to try out the Kotatsu. Anyway, I'll update this thread as a go along, but I figured it'd get it started for now. I seriously cannot wait. It's going to be my biggest vacation ever and my first international trip. I'm counting down the days!
  19. Gotta love a man telling me a clump of cells with the potential to become a sentient being is entitled to my body and all the health risks with it. You should see my face right now. My skin is literally crawling.
  20. I don't worry about the hypothetical human beings, I care about those of us here and not and the very real consequences we face. If you had been aborted as a zygote, you'd never have known, so it's irrelevant.
  21. It will never not be weird to see someone advocate for taking away control over my body by a person who will never ever be faced with the situation he's arguing for.
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