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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Got my copy of Mario Tennis in today. I may boot it up for a match before going into work tonight.
  2. Because your posts just ooze bitterness. Like the only enjoyment you get is by attempting to trigger liberals and anti-Trump people in general.
  3. It's a great game, but I don't understand replaying it so soon. Too much else to play out there.
  4. I've been slacking on reading in favor of video games lately. Still working on Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege and It Can't Happen Here. Hope do be done with the former pretty soon, though.
  5. Just finished TellTale's The Walking Dead Season 3. Overall, I liked it, but the ending was unfulfilling.
  6. Nothing at the moment. I messed around with Shadow Dancer after I got it, but I need to practice and I'm too busy with Persona 5 at the moment.
  7. I'm aware it's the Euro version, I got it from Germany. Cost $25, after shipping. I don't really care about NA vs PAL SMS games. There were hardly any complete copies of the NA version and the PAL versions were a lot cheaper.
  8. Also, I got this. New, but retro:
  9. Here are my latest pickups. Got my eye on a couple other things and I'm waiting on Land of Illusion to arrive from the UK.
  10. Also, I hate to derail my own thread, but quick question. How long do we have to edit our posts now? Seems like a very small window.
  11. Don't think I'll be buying anything this go around. Not seeing much that's cheap enough for me to bite.
  12. Well, goddammit, in my haste to be the first to post breaking news, I neglected to finish my title. Can you not edit your own titles @Jason? Edit: NM, I'm a moron.
  13. Breaking https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/national/wp/2018/06/21/charles-krauthammer-pulitzer-prize-winning-columnist-and-intellectual-provocateur-dies-at-68/?utm_term=.465eb547fe80 Obviously didn't agree with a lot of the buy's politics, but he was one of the more respectable right-wingers. Especially in today's world. Crazy, but I didn't know he was a quad for the longest time.
  14. Shit, I forgot to cancel my Amazon preorder for that and go digital. Ah, well. Least this way my husband can play it if he wants.
  15. This can be the new "what are you playing this weekend" thread. Lately, I've been completely absorbed in Persona 5. It's amazing. I played 10 hours when it first released, quit for over a year, now I'm back at it, hardcore. Just completed the 4th palace last night. I absolutely adore the mix of traditional turn-based RPG play and social simulation. I'm over 40 hours in and still have a looong way to go, but I'm enjoying the ride quite a bit.
  16. It's gotten so bad, it's painful to be around a lot my family and coworkers. Their views are just abhorrent. I always knew my parents were fairly racist, but it goes beyond that now. I unfriended so many people on FB, even took a two month break recently. Just fucking awful.
  17. I guess this would be a good time to take updated pics of the game room and post them. It's a bit of a mess right now, since my husband has been playing arcade stuff, but I'll try to get some pics up next week when I have time.
  18. I can't seem to get the page to load. I was curious to see what was on sale on my wishlist.
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