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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Sounds like a person problem. :P If you're interested at all, just stop by every now and then. It's not a big hassle.
  2. Marshall - 8/10 I really want a good biography on the first African American SCOTUS justice.
  3. You still didn't answer why you'd miss topics with the way things are now. But I'm glad you conceded. Wade's word is law. :P Also, there's a thread on the NES Classic in GG, so win!
  4. There's really no reason for you to miss topics that pop up on that board, if you're so inclined to contribute. I didn't think you cared about that area, anyway. We enjoy our little community. Just leave it as is.
  5. Yeah, Andy Dick is bisexual. I think he came out years ago. He's also had a known history of inappropriate touching, unwanted advances, etc.
  6. Sorry, Wade has spoken. He promised us. We enjoy retro discussion and don't want it getting swallowed up in GG, where that would most certainly happen. Why do you care so much, anyway? I don't see how it would bother anyone. Also, fuck discord.
  7. Yes. Also, who are you, because you've changed your name. I hate this shit.
  8. Yeah, I always seem to miss it. I've played all of them on PS4 back in the day, so I'm not just super dying to replay them right now, but I will at some point.
  9. I keep wanting the Uncharted collection, but it's not on sale. Not really anything else I want that I can think of.
  10. And one of my prized sets, my complete Working Designs collection.
  11. Fire Emblem(I have sealed duplicates of the amiibos, but they're stored in a big box and I ain't gettin' that shit down):
  12. Okay, I took some more pictures. There's more I'd like to add, but I got tired tonight, so maybe I'll do them at a later time. Updated Suikoden:
  13. Those of us in the Retro community love our little sub-board. We'd be highly upset to see it go. Sorry, Legend, for once, you have a terrible suggestion.
  14. Hah, the arcade game isn't that special and it's stupid expensive. I'm a moron. I forgot we have the two Suikoden Gaiden games on PS1.
  15. Suikoden. This one hasn't changed in years, thanks to those fuckwads at Konami:
  16. So apparently my Working Designs photo was uploaded to Imageshack years ago. They've blocked me from seeing my numerous photos I uploaded back in the day, because I don't pay for their service. Shitty. Guess I'll have to take some more pics.
  17. Here's some old pics of the Castlevania collection. Sold off LoS and Judgement, but the rest of still there:
  18. I like LeBron, but I ain't rootin' for him as a Laker. Just can't do it.
  19. You want a timely novel, read It Can't Happen here. I'm a little over halfway through and I just keep comparing what I'm reading to what's currently happening with this country. It's fucking eerie. I think Sinclair Lewis mighta been some kinda prophet.
  20. I'll post some of my sets tomorrow. Gotta hunt down some of these old pics. I think I've found most of them, but I can't seem to find my complete Working Designs set pic.
  21. She was shitty and idolized her dad. I wish there was a hell she could spend eternity it, along with the rest of the Nazis.
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