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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. SNES. I never had one as a kid, but that thing is just golden. I love the 16-bit graphics and it has some of the best games of all time. So much quality with that system. Runner up would be the PS1. It was the system where I really started getting into games and it's got a ton of stellar titles. SNES began the greatness of JRPGs and the PS1 took it to the next level.
  2. I'll also just add that my world wouldn't end if Retro were collapsed in with everything else. It just more annoys me that people who have never been part of that little sub-community want to make suggestions on what to do with it, when those of us who do enjoy it there like it the way we have it.
  3. I guess it's just weird to me that people can't click on a link to a forum when it's right in front of them. If it's an area I have interest in, I'm gonna click on it from time to time.
  4. Actually, I'd love to see black people step up and do something like this. For a minority that has been so persecuted for centuries in this nation, blacks are generally quite unsupportive of the gay community and religion is 100% to blame for that.
  5. See, I feel the Vita relies too heavily on ports and BC, probably more so than the 3DS. Don't get me wrong, it's a great system to hold in your hands and look at and I love having my PSP library all in one place. But the thing has hardly any true exclusives. I hardly have any Vita games these days, as I've sold most of them because they're on other systems or I just didn't care enough to keep them. Meanwhile, I've still got 59 DS games on my shelf(not counting digital stuff), most of which are original titles for the system. Sony just dropped the ball with the Vita and it's a damn shame. Edit: I actually only have 7 physical Vita games, none of which are exclusive. They were either console ports or were ported to other platforms later on.
  6. Jurassic World 7/10 It was a fun popcorn flick, without much depth. About what I expected. I'll probably see Fallen Kingdom when it comes to home release.
  7. Maybe Filipinos have a monopoly on this? Seems like a pretty small thing. Gotta get other asians, black people, latinx people, etc.
  8. Is for me, but I generally like playing these games on my own, with a little local MP on the side.
  9. GBA would be a close second. I love my 3DS, but it doesn't have quite the depth of games that its predecessors did.
  10. Plenty of white people have apologized for the shittiness of their race and wholeheartedly contributed to the civil rights movement throughout the course of history, dating back to the days of slavery. More of us could contribute, but it's more than what these Christians are doing here. That's why I said to call me when they actually do more than this piddly shit.
  11. Yeah, I'm sure you guys would participate it it were done to your liking. You've had every opportunity to participate in the last 8 years, but haven't. It's not hard to click a forum if it interests you, so forgive me if I don't buy that argument.
  12. Vita could have been great. I love the system. But Sony didn't do shit with it.
  13. I've played: God of War Far Cry 5 Mario Tennis Aces Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze(I don't really count this, because I played it on Wii U years ago)
  14. I think you can acknowledge the reality of a secular state allowing equal marriage, but still personally feel it's a sin. It sounds stupid, which is one reason I quit religion altogether, but it's possible. That's probably what Hemant would say. I've read enough of his work.
  15. Not counting backwards compatibility features, I'd say the DS. That was the system that got me into handheld gaming and it had soooo many awesome games. I still play my DSi XL, because I don't like the way DS games look on the 3DS. Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but are you saying you don't want a New model because it doesn't play DS games? Because it does.
  16. This is more my take on it: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2018/07/01/dont-get-suckered-in-by-these-christians-apologizing-at-a-pride-parade/ Until they're ready to come out and fully support equality, they can go fuck themselves.
  17. I don't get why you guys care so much, anyway. It's not like any of you ever really joined in on our discussions on the board. I mean, with your logic, why have separate boards at all? Just have one big forum and tag everything, since that's your solution for everything.
  18. Yeah, it's kinda for minorities.
  19. I read the book and it was good. Still need to watch the show one of these days.
  20. Because asexuality is on the spectrum of human sexuality? More like why the fuck does it bother you so much?
  21. I'm saying I figured it was something most of us here already knew, since we actually follow this stuff. Was talking at work the other night and my coworkers didn't know who Anthony Kennedy was, let alone the implications of him retiring. And one of them even admitted to having an abortion. It kills me how little people know about the world around them.
  22. I thought that was common knowledge for anyone who followed the SCOTUS at all?
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