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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. It really sucked when The Game Chasers made a video on a local game store here. That was such a great place to find deals and sought after games. Then it got publicity and was raided in a matter of a couple months. Their good stock is long gone. Then there are just some games that don't pop up often, so I don't want to alert other folks to them.
  2. Need recommendations for pizza in Chicago. We're less than 3 weeks away!
  3. Do you guys ever feel overly paranoid about mentioning games you want or are trying to get? Like, you're afraid if you mention it, everyone else is gonna go for it, too. I feel that.
  4. Kal is like a cuddly teddy bear. ...not that I know this firsthand, I can only assume his lovely wife feels that way.
  5. Yeah, gave Shinobi a little test tonight and it's pretty fun.
  6. I'm sorry you're such an unintelligent and shitty person. It makes for a terrible combination.
  7. It's really kind of odd, because I never played a FF game until FFIII was remade for the DS. That was actually the first JRPG I ever really played and completed. So I didn't grow up with these games. I've played I-X(haven't beaten I or II yet) and X was where the series really fell off for me. I still have enjoyed some of the spinoffs, but the main series is dead to me.
  8. I played through the entirety of X. It was thoroughly mediocre and killed the series for me. Terrible voice acting, forgettable music, and going in a straight line for the entire game in all these lackluster environments...just blech. I actually haven't played XII, but I've watched my husband play chunks of it and I'm not sure how much the battle system interests me. I did play 40 hours of XIII and I don't know how I kept going that long. I haven't bothered with the series since. Now I know never to take your opinions seriously. :P
  9. Final Fantasy went to shit after IX. You weak mofos keep comparing TMNT in the arcade vs. NES, bitches I own both. The NES port is perfectly competent, though brutal and I much prefer the arcade version based on that alone. RE4 was a fantastic and revolutionary game for its time and I think it still holds up today, though it's been surpassed by newer and better games. I can't imagine how anyone could find The Witcher 3 bloated. It was some of the best side content I've ever seen in a game. Nothing really felt wasted. Just a few thoughts after reading the last couple pages.
  10. I'm just ready to go to Wrigley at next month. Fenway is awesome, I definitely plan to go back.
  11. My husband modified some Saturn and SNES controllers to use with our PCBs.
  12. I'm 30 and I have high cholesterol, which I wouldn't have known about if I hadn't gone for a checkup. If things are fine, I'd agree you don't have to go every year, but as a guy in his mid-late 30s, like Def, it's not a bad idea to go and get a baseline on your labs, especially if you can afford it.
  13. I'd easily put Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI on the list of best RPGs of all time. Along with Witcher 3. Those games have held up incredibly well. Newer doesn't always mean better.
  14. My hair is really oily, so I have no choice but to wash it daily. And I shower when I get up. If I got particularly dirty, I'll do a quick one before bed, but normally I just do a wash at the sink. My hair is so bad, it gets really oily if I wash it, then sleep on it for a while.
  15. One of the saddest things about the 3DS was it didn't have a proper Castlevania title.
  16. Finished It Can't Happen Here. Yeah, it was a good read, all the way. It's satire, but it's very relatable to the current political climate. Now reading Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic, by David Frum. I enjoy reading his articles in the Atlantic. Also reading Anatomy of a Genocide: The Life and Death of a Town Called Buczacz, by Omer Bartov. It's a look at how the Holocaust affected this border town(at the time)between Poland And Ukraine.
  17. Love pepperoni, tomato, mushroom, green pepper, onion Hate pineapple, olives I'm indifferent to anything else. I love pineapple, but it doesn't belong on pizza. At all.
  18. I probably played PS2 more than any other console I've owned. Yet I don't feel much nostalgia for it. It was amazing at the time, but most of the games haven't really held up well, they've had improved sequels or remasters/remakes. It's actually one of the smaller subsets in my game collection.
  19. You basically agreed with what I just said. :P Yeah, JRPGs got their start on NES, with Dragon Quest, then Final Fantasy. But the golden age is generally attributed to the SNES. Those series hit their peak in the 16-bit era, not to mention the genre really expanded then. It took off and became pretty mainstream with the PS1 and the release of FF7.
  20. Eh, there's not really much in the way of JRPGs on NES that appeal to me. Yeah, it started the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest series, but those didn't get awesome til SNES. Other than those games, I don't even think I own any JRPGs on NES and my collection spans nearly 200 NES/Famicom/FDS games.
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