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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I'm not sure how well off they all are. At least one of them, anyway. Pretty sure she's a mail order bride. She's 25, been here less than 2 years, and married to a guy that looks at least 60.
  2. I work with a lot of Filipino nurses and techs. It's remarkable how popular Duterte is among them. Including the young ones. They're basically applauding his slaughter of thousands of citizens without any due process.
  3. System really needs more exclusive games. There's really never been any point to owning an Xbox if you have a PS4 or PC.
  4. No, I haven't seen him since the board reset. He never posted here for most of the board's existence, then just showed up posting these ridiculous deals he claimed to be getting all the time. Dammit, I can't remember his name.
  5. Nice pickup. What was that one dude's name who posted here who seemed to always find deals that seemed a little too good to be true?
  6. Good riddance. Now what do I do with my Kawhi shirt that I bought before he turned to a shitbag?
  7. Won't be sad to see Manny go. I really don't like the guy.
  8. I didn't play it much, it's still on my shelf. I contemplated getting the Switch version when it comes out, but it's $60.
  9. It is, but I do recall that much. Plus, I had a weird habit of keeping receipts for my games back in the day, so with 90 DS games on my shelf, it didn't take long to find some.
  10. Yeah, $40 was the max for a DS game and that was pretty much just Square. I recall The World Ends With You being $40, which was a shocker for me at that time. But it was really only Square and a few games at that and $40 was the max.
  11. You are absolutely wrong. We're talking about DS, not 3DS.
  12. I remember a few Square titles being $40, but that's all. Don't think Nintendo priced their titles at $40.
  13. Not even that much. DS games were typically $30 new, if I recall. Edit: Maybe $35, I'm having trouble remembering.
  14. With the Old Breed, by E. B. Sledge. It's his memoir on the battles of Peleliu and Okinawa. One of the greatest personal accounts to come out of the Pacific Theatre.
  15. Kinda related, but I was talking to a patent's 71 year old daughter who now lives in Austin, TX. I normally make it a rule that I don't talk politics with patients, but i came out the woman hates Trump with a passion. She referred to herself as a radical who wore the pink hat in the Women's March, has an "Impeach Trump" sign on her front door, has gone to the immigrant detention centers to protest, and is super excited about Beto. She said she and her husband have been doing canvassing for him and she would have been out there this week, if not for her mother, who is now dying(it's expected, they're coping well). Just pretty cool to see an older person from around here with those views. Maybe I should move to Austin one of these days...
  16. Woot, woot, got it! Now I need the Genesis version, since they're different games.
  17. Love frog legs. Southern food is really the best. It's one the the few things we can be proud of.
  18. We love 'em down in the South. I don't bother with the head. Nobody eats the head, they just suck out the juice, really. I ate a ton of crawfish this season. Can't wait to do it again next year.
  19. I think it was April when I drank a Michelob ultra light when I went out to each crawfish.
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