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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. They made one of our employees a supervisor(one notch below the floor manager). She was about the most useless nurse you can imagine and she called in. All. The. Time. I guess she was just great at brown nosing. I can't stand her. She's terrible at her supervisor role. Doesn't help out, can't do the schedule for shit and when we're short staffed, thanks to her, she doesn't respond to any texts or calls from people about how we're dying on the floor. Our new manager isn't much better.
  2. Yep, I hate the lateness, too. It's been a major problem. That, and no call, no shows or just people who call in all the goddamn time and get away with it.
  3. Their vocal love for Trump and all the shitty things he represents.
  4. I earn 6.5 hours of PTO every two week pay period. Sick time is included in PTO. Pretty standard for nursing.
  5. So don't wait til 2 weeks to tell your boss about your trip? That's not even what the sign is saying, anyway. My husband works in an office environment and he thought most of it was insulting and ridiculous.
  6. I'm aware, but it Just shows how shitty our system is. There's no gaurentee of a SS for me by the time I retire. What people get nowadays is pathetically small. I just don't see how people can rely on that when the time comes.
  7. This is a horrible plan. That said, who actually counts SS as part of their retirement anymore? I'm more like "if I get it, it'll be a surprise little bonus."
  8. We went to Wrigley tonight. Cubs lost, but a fun time was still had.
  9. No alcohol was had. I stuck to lemonade. She had water.
  10. So we saw a White Sox game tonight with @Triage They lost, but it was fun. Food was good and I liked the stadium. Plus, @Emblazon hooked us up with great seats!
  11. Yeah, JD got robbed in that stupid game in Baltimore. So did Mookie and Benny.
  12. Much like we did right after we got to Boston, I had to head out to see an iconic ballpark on the first night. Didn't realize there was a concert, so it was packed. Dammit.
  13. Damn flight delays caused us to arrive during rush hour. It's taking forever to get to where we're staying. And I'm hungry.
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