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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I don't care, they have awesome homegrown talent, too. Mookie for MVP.
  2. What a comeback. Sox just keep finding ways to win.
  3. I want to try it out today, but I don't think I'll launch into it right now. Not super eager to get into another really long JRPG right after finishing one. I'm gonna play Spider-Man and Tomb Raider first.
  4. After 100 hours and 36 minutes, I've completed Persona 5. Definitely one of my top RPGs of all time. Well worth the time investment. I am excited to move onto some new stuff, though!
  5. I do my part in certain areas. Pretty sure my soap and shampoos all say they're not tested on animals. I sometimes use goat milk soap made by a coworker, but you'd probably object to that. I could try to cut down on some products, but I'll never give it up. Most vegan stuff I've tried is just kinda bland.
  6. I just figured there was a lot of tension, given how the season has sorta fallen apart. We took the Wrigley Field tour on vacation last month and there was a small group of Mariners fans. They got some friendly ribbing. :P
  7. What is this I[m hearing about a fight in the Mariners clubhouse before a game?
  8. I'm not surprised by Gibson continuing to be a piece of shit, but how in the fuck does something like this get the green light to be made?
  9. Leather really isn't a big deal. The cows are already being killed for the beef, the hide is put to good use, too. I'm not happy about animal suffering and I try to think of that when I make my purchases, but I like meat. I don't like a vegan diet. I'm not going to make myself miserable.
  10. I'm eating bacon along with my cereal with real milk in it. I don't eat bacon often, but I do eat eggs regularly. I'm not ashamed of eating meat. Humans are omnivores. I'll never not eat meat or eggs or dairy. Almond milk was okay for a bit, I did give it an honest try, but I had a bad experience and I'll probably never mess with it again.
  11. I just woke up, got my mail, and I gotta mow the yard before all the rain starts tomorrow.
  12. I'm a solid liberal and those jokes were gross. This really has noting to do with one's political leanings.
  13. You seem mad, just thought I'd ask. I was concerned. But I, too, enjoy seeing them lose. Especially when the Red Sox win.
  14. Wonder how much I'll watch this year. I just don't feel that excited. Looking forward to basketball more.
  15. It's not really that odd. Historically, time softens people's view of presidents. Plus, with the current shitbag in office, people long for the days of "normalcy."
  16. https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/01/politics/meghan-mccain-john-mccain-funeral/index.html sorry, I’m on mobile and I suck at using some features that way.
  17. I didn't realize for a long time how pricey the HeartGold/SoulSilver games were. We still have our Walmart exclusive editions that came with the figurines from back in the day. They're even pricier.
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