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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Can't believe I got to correct legend. Does that mean I get a prize, because no one ever gets to correct legend.
  2. Honestly, I think I'd be fine with a 64gb phone. I just checked and I've got about 95gb of free space on my 128gb 7 Plus. I dunno what people are putting on their phones they need 512gb of space.
  3. I'm the exact same. I can't really complain about price, I just don't go online with the system.
  4. I just couldn't give less of a shit about what color a character is, unless their race or ethnicity is integral to the character. Now that I've said that, maybe Superman needs to stay white. He's the most milquetoast superhero out there.
  5. The Mario & Luigi remake I mentioned is coming next year.
  6. I want to upgrade, but these prices. Maybe I'll look into the XR, see how gimped it is compared to the other models.
  7. Racists can't be having a black Superman. It'd totes be like having Nick Cage play Martin Luther King Jr. in a movie. Or so I'm led to believe from somebody in a comments section.
  8. I finally started the game last night, but only played through the opening. It's been a rough going this week for me, so I'm not really enjoying it like I probably should. Depression can really suck the fun out of things.
  9. It's almost like you've never heard of sarcasm. I dunno why you're being an ass. I've never done shit to you.
  10. I'm sure she and the NRA would have been supportive of a black man who shot a cop. Especially a white, female cop.
  11. You can selectively quote whatever you want, I don't care. I stand by my statements in the thread. I don't get why some people feel the need to butt in with absolutely no real contribution. It's weird.
  12. Nah, she's one of those hardcore conservative Christians who pretty well follows the good book and rarely drinks.
  13. He needs to stay outside, then. He's probably safer out there, despite the snakes and predatory birds. I've actually already covered this with johnny in a more civil manner, but thanks for your helpful input.
  14. We actually had to use the glue traps. I really hate them, but they were the only option at the time. I won't use poison for obvious reasons and those snap traps are huge and if my dog(who was a tiny puppy at that time) got into one, it would have seriously injured her, maybe even killed her. So the glue traps were the last option. Fortunately, we caught the rat the first night and the husband gave it a couple quick blows to kill it. We did away with the glue traps, thinking the problem was solved. If it's just a mouse, I'm fine with the snap traps becuse they're so much smaller and can't do much damage. That wasn't the end of the problem, unfortunately. Few weeks later, the husband came home from work one nightand a rat was sitting in the bathroom. He tried to trap it but it got out and ran into the closet. Scurried up one of my sweaters. He trapped it in the sleeve and drowned it in the sink. Only real option in that situation. After checking the house again for entry points, we finally found the real entry point for them. Blocked it off and haven't had an issue since. I told that story on a FB page and got a lot of ugly reactions. As for bugs, I kill them depending on what they are. Wasps and yellowjackets get sprayed when they build their nests on our back decks. Spiders get smashed if they're inside, but I leave them alone if they're outside and out of my way. Roaches die, as do ants. Ladybugs get released outside, though.
  15. Can I ask another question, @johnny? What are your thoughts on killing pest animals, like mice and rats in your house? I got a ton of angry reactions when I made a comment about killing a couple rats that got into our house a few years ago. My general rule is that I won't kill an animal I'm not going to eat, unless it's a pest. Rodents in my house meet that qualification. Bugs, too, so I guess I'd be curious to know your opinion on that. I will say that I never kill snakes. They don't scare me and they're highly beneficial.
  16. Yeah, this whole thing stinks. I've heard so many conflicting reports.
  17. So I'm reading that her justification for shooting the man was because he didn't obey her commands. How fucking infuriating. She breaks into his apartment and she justifies it by saying she had to because he didn't obey her? At minimum, this is a textbook case of manslaughter. Even if there was no malice involved, a man died by her hand because she fucked up. I'm no legal scholar, but she might as well plead guilt and spare the poor man's family the pain of a trial.
  18. It amazes me that I still have a couple coworkers who think marijuana should be illegal. I listened to one of them talk this weekend. Her argument was terrible, naturally. But given how much ridiculousness resulting from drug abuse we see every single shift, I don't know how anyone could be against legalization.
  19. I'm glad Jimmy got back at those punks. What a tense scene. I almost became a little afraid for them at the end. Wonder if Kim really will "have her cake and eat it, too."
  20. I'd kinda moved past the free range argument a few posts ago. I stand by my statements, but that one is also separated from my larger point. As I said, the practiced should and could be better regulated, but at least they're getting some time outdoors instead of none. And it just depends on the company. As I said, you can research these things a lot of the time. I'm not really getting what you're not getting.
  21. I'm looking forward to Days Gone at this point. I've had it preordered on Amazon since January 2017. :P With the discount and before they started collecting sales tax in my state. I preordered Days Gone, Spider-Man, God of War, and Red Dead Redemption 2 all on the same day.
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