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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Yeah, no. I'm gonna keep m preorder for this for the time being. I've had it for quite a while, with the Prime discount and no tax. IF it sucks, I'll cancel it or send it back.
  2. Just finished it. I got all the challenge tombs, so I think I'm probably done with it. Pretty fun ride. They didn't take a lot of risks, but I'm still pretty satisfied with more of the same. I'd give it an 8/10.
  3. Damn good episode. I fear for Kim's future, though.
  4. Was it season 7 where Glenn and Abraham got the bat? I watched that episode and haven't seen one since. We did watch the first season of Fear, but didn't care enough to continue with it.
  5. Yep, it's been a great year and there's a bright future ahead. Meanwhile, I have no idea what's going on with the Xbox, lol.
  6. I really, really want to see TWD through to the end. Please find some way to make this happen. I hadn't bought the game yet, was waiting for all the episodes to be out or it go on sale. I really want to see how Clementine's story ends. It's bad enough we won't be seeing their other future projects, but I need TWD to finish properly!
  7. You didn't like it. Doesn't mean that others are supposed to hate it, too. It's fine that you don't like it, but it's like you're just dying to make sure others don't enjoy it, either. You've been trying too hard throughout the thread.
  8. I watched the first couple seasons of Transparent and while the premise was really interesting, the characters, really, just the kids, sucked. They were spoiled brats, wholly unsympathetic and just annoyed me. I never got around to season 3 and thanks to Jeffry Tambor, I'll never see any more of it. Judith Light is always delightful, though.
  9. PC, Switch, and PS4 is a good combination to have. It's really all you need. My PS4 time has really picked up this year, after playing it pretty sporadically over the prior 4 years.
  10. I'm glad I didn't play this on a console. It's why I always choose PC if there's an option for it. These games have never been GotY material for me. They're just fun action games. I don't really feel like I've encountered the problems he's describing to any meaningful degree. And I've been playing the game with stealth in mind. It's more fun that way.
  11. Only exclusive I've watched so far has been Man in the High Castle and it's great. Got a few others on my list I haven't gotten around to yet.
  12. Switch would have been the easy choice for me had it been available.
  13. Well, I love beat 'em ups from that era, so at $20, it was an easy buy for me. But you're talking to someone who spends hundreds and hundreds of dollars on the arcade PCBs.
  14. Of course, I could name ways to make improvements. But I still enjoyed their games and I'm sad to see them shut down. Like I said, I was really surprised to see the games hadn't sold as well.
  15. I was really surprised by the low sales in the charts, but I guess I still don't get it. I don't really know how you evolve the formula of a story telling game like this. You turn it into an action game and it's no longer the same genre that the fans enjoyed. The Phoenix Wright series hasn't really "evolved" and it still has a solid fanbase. It's a pretty niche genre, but one that's always had a solid set of fans. And as for people not praising the stories in the games, looking at critic and user reviews on Steam and elsewhere, they were quite positive, so I imagine people must have really been enjoying the story, since that's all the games had going for them. I was one of them.
  16. I wasn't aware it was getting a 3DS release. It's not like it'd really benefit from one. I prefer these types of games on portable systems, because they're perfect to take on the go, like a good book. Plus, it's not like they're benefiting from being on more powerful consoles. If they ever do fan translations for the last two games on 3DS that didn't get a release outside of Japan, I'll get them, too. I've beaten them all, except for the Layton crossover. I've never been too big into Layton.
  17. What am I missing here? I always thought people really liked their games. I get it if it's not a genre you're into, but for what they were, they were high quality in terms of story telling. Yeah, they had performance issues, but "bad games?" I loved them, because that's a genre I like. Much like Phoenix Wright and all.
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