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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Why would Kim need to end up with Howard when things fail with Jimmy? It's not like she's gotta be forced into a relationship. GTFO with that shit.
  2. All I'm saying is if you read at all and you like the show, you should read the book, too.
  3. No need to do that, just read the book. I look forward to starting the show, but I'm still debating on waiting til I finish Castle Rock at least. Too much entertainment for me right now, even though I have no kids and I'm off 4 days a week.
  4. Instead of focusing on one sentence you didn't like, just read the book. Also, I can't stand David Caruso, so I probably couldn't get through that movie.
  5. Pretty sweet, but I have no practical use for it, much like the Super NT.
  6. Gotta change it up sometimes, considering I probably only have half a dozen beers a year. I even took a sip of my coworker's cosmopolitan.
  7. I switched it up last week and drank a Blue Moon when I went out to eat with coworkers.
  8. It's not about cheap scares. And I easily gathered the show wasn't a direct adaptation of the book from reading a very basic premise. It's still a fantastic book and anyone who likes to read and has a passing interest in the genre shouldn't ignore it. Agreed.
  9. Haunting of Hill House is a classic. I finally read it last October.
  10. Gushes about a show based on the greatest horror novel of all time, hasn't read the novel. Tsk tsk.
  11. Finished Pet Sematary at work this morning. I was thinking about another Stephen King book, but I need a bit to process that one. In the meantime, I'm gonna read The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas. I've had it on my shelf for a bit. I'd like to see the movie after I finish the book.
  12. I remember being told by my grandfather all through my childhood that we were German, our family name was German. I just kind of accepted that my whole life, until a few years ago when I actually took the time to research the names of my family members and found out it's almost all Scottish/English/Welsh. Oh, and that same grandfather often touted how his grandmother was 1/4 Cherokee, making me think that little bit of Cherokee blood I got from my great-great-grandmother was really something special. I honestly kinda doubt she had any Indian blood, but whatever. Families tell these stories for generations. At the end of the day, it's not big deal.
  13. Trump's base at this point is nothing but true deplorables and you'll never change their mind about anything. IT's like he said, he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and he wouldn't lose supporters. Those people would claim Fake News or find some way to justify it. Those people are beyond redemption.
  14. I'm at work. Baseball on my phone, carrying it around with me, my patients don't mind. I've got the Pats on in our break room right in front of the nurse's station.
  15. Price is so terrible in October. I give up.
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