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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Ever since this board opened, he's followed me around, trolling me, always trying to get a rise. I don't know why, since I never knew him from IGN or anything, but it was fucking weird. It used to be more creepy. Multiple people would call him out on it. So, yeah, there's backstory. I don't like the dude. Anyway, I'm done with this drama. If sblfilms wants to continue to ignore me, that's his prerogative. I wish him no ill will. I explained myself and that's all anyone can do. I hope he understands, but if not, I'll be okay. Keyser will be ignored in the future. Back to baseball, now. Go Sox!
  2. The main thing I've learned from this? Go back to not responding to Keyser's harassment. Nothing good can come from it. But since my stupid ass did it, anyway, I should have been more nuanced. I'm sorry for that.
  3. What are you talking about? I never disputed your terms for continuing to support them in the way you are. I only said that I didn't totally agree with it and if it were me, I'd have trouble rooting for my team if that were the situation. It's not just about spending your money there, I'd just have a hard time pulling for them in general. I'd probably actively root for them to lose, lol. I mean, I literally said that less than an hour ago: Let me make it crystal clear: I understood your terms back when you clarified them weeks ago. That was never, ever, not once in dispute since you made that post. I don't really understand why you're still going after me with that, but I hope this makes it very clear. If that's what this is about, then I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough. I never misunderstood or tried to misrepresent your stance. I disagree with it to a point, that is all. Sucks we got into this, but I hope we can move on. I don't know what else to tell you at this point. What a bummer.
  4. Like I said, I always genuinely liked you. I told Kab, who is a good friend of mine, he was being shitty when he attacked you a while back before he left the board. I don't agree with you here. I understand it to a point, but I don't agree. I guess we were both petty in our own ways. I'm gonna let this one go, because it's really not worth being angry about and you're still a pretty good poster, despite this little spat.
  5. If you're going to be petty like that, I don't feel a need to apologize. I told a troll to back off me and give someone else some shit for a change. I don't agree 100% with your stance, but it's yours to have. You attacked me with untrue claims, so, yeah, that pisses me off a little. And yet you expect me to be the one to apologize? I'm sorry for the fact I got angry. It's really not worth it. I should have continued to ignore Keyser like I almost always do. Every bit of what I've said here is sincere, therefore, I'm not being disingenuous. I know where I stand.
  6. I'm fine, but Keyser's act has long since worn thin. Your support for them still feels a little cheap, but that's my opinion. I'd probably have a harder time sticking with the Sox if they'd gone that route. I only said what I did because I'm kinda tired of Keyser following me in so many threads across the board, trolling me like I'm the only one he has eyes for. Let him go after someone else for a change. 98% of the time, I ignore him, but I'd had enough in this thread. It's not even like he has any stake in the series, since his team didn't even finish above 500. And I'm not a bandwagon fan. You haven't known me long, but I've been a Boston fan since I was a young kid, long before they were worth a damn. I lived and died with them through the sucky years before 2004. It's probably my favorite city in the country. Living where I do, it's not like I have any professional teams to root for. I get so tired of that bandwagon fan shit from people who don't even know me. I don't know where you get off calling me disingenuous. I've hardly ever had a disagreement with you and I thought we had a mutual respect. Seems outta nowhere, so maybe I'm not the one who needs to toughen up?
  7. You're being pretty lame. How about you shit on sblfilms since he's back to rooting for his team after saying he was done with them after they traded for the domestic abuser to help them win another title? Controversial calls are part of baseball. I'd have probably been upset if the tables were turned on that play, but those are the breaks sometimes. Every team has been on the losing end of a controversial call. There are plenty of ways the Astros could be 3-1 instead of 1-3 right now, not just one tough call.
  8. I blew through The Hate U Give. That was good. I recommend every person read it, regardless of race, age, political persuasion. It's a book that every American should read. Practically made me tear up a few times and that's a goddamned rarity for me.
  9. Of course, it's not over 'til it's over, that's how baseball goes. But karma would have the Astros lose, so don't fail me, karma.
  10. Isn't Verlander starting tomorrow against Price? I'm willing to write that game off, if they lose tomorrow, they just need to win once back at Fenway. I like the odds.
  11. Holy shit, my heart is still pounding. Crazy, crazy game.
  12. I picked a good day to wear my Benintendi shirt. Pig Sooie!
  13. I think it's nuts to bring Kimbrel in for an 8 out save. He's been so unreliable. Hopefully they can get 3 more outs without a disaster. Don't fail me now, Cora...
  14. Niiiice. Brock Holt is such an underrated player. He's one of my faves. My buddy thought I was nuts when I bought his shirt and autographed baseball and he's also a Sox fan.
  15. Got damn, I've rarely seen a player just crush a team's pitching like JBJ has these 3 games. I love it.
  16. Ah, it's cool to agree with MLB findings when it goes in favor of your team. :P
  17. Maldonado is a moron for even attempting to claim that ball hit the bat.
  18. Taking advantage of these bad pitching/catching tandems.
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