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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Amazing how Schilling has squandered so much goodwill with the Red Sox. Guess that's what happens when you're a shitbag of a human being.
  2. I prefer it to Uncharted, too. There's more depth with the crafting system.
  3. I can understand some criticisms, but it's not a bad game and really doesn't deserve the hate. I enjoyed my time with it.
  4. One down, three to go. Thank you, Nunie.
  5. I'm sick as a dog this week, but I'm home and watching this. Loving what I'm seeing so far
  6. Halloween is one of the few horro films I've always liked. I probably won't see this in theaters, though. May rent it for next October. Are they just pretending that H2O and Resurrection didn't happen?
  7. French Hill is my Congressman. That ad was so awful even he denounced it and requested it be removed from the air. I'm still not voting for him, though. I love where live, but it's about the only part of the city that leans republican. We get campaigners for him knocking on our door weekly.
  8. How the hell did I miss that Jake Hunter was coming out here?
  9. I'm pretty excited because I took off next weekend, giving me 11 days off, including all of the WS. Didn't plan it like that but it worked out pretty well.
  10. I suppose I could try posting in this thread, though I'm not a big move/TV buff. I finished Castle Rock last night. I'd give it 8/10. It kept me drawn in and it was definitely creepy, but the ending also left me with a ton of questions I'll have to wait til Season 2 releases to hopefully be answered.
  11. I never finished Samus Returns However, Luigi's Mansion is still fantastic. I didn't wanna stop playing this morning. I'll definitely complete this one, even though I beat it on Gamecube a couple years back.
  12. You have no idea. It's just another stressor. It's not all bad, but shitty management(we're now looking for our 4th unit manager since last December), chronic understaffing, patients who are just terrible people...it's disheartening sometimes. Add that to the current state of the nation, my family issues, stuff just kinda piles on and my emotional state gets a little fragile at times. I've got a lot of good in my life, though, and a great support system with my husband, so I manage. I just get angry sometimes over things that aren't worth it. Then I quickly realize how ridiculous it is to be pissy about some asshat on the board refusing to be sensible. Some things just don't matter in the big picture. Oh, and it also helps that after this weekend, I've got 11 days off. I'll spend time with the husband, go to the air show next weekend(I love military aircraft), watch all of the World Series...the break will be nice.
  13. I decided to go with Salem's Lot last night. It's October, why not? Need to get back to my nonfiction, I've been on a stretch of novels lately.
  14. I got out my 3DS this morning and played Luigi's Mansion. Game is still just as fun as I remember. Great game for October if you don't wanna get scared, @Biggie
  15. Hey, we were actually talking about taking care of animals this time, not killing them. Plus, I just need a break from stupid fighting.
  16. I understand. It wasn't really political, just more stupidity, but today I realized I needn't let stupid board drama get to me. I thought it was a lesson I learned years ago, but I still need a reminder from time to time. Sometimes, RL shit just compounds and little shit like this pisses you off more. It happens. We can move on.
  17. Sure, why not? I can't say I'll never criticize you again, but I'm gonna leave the excessive anger and name-calling out of it.
  18. I have a corgi-obsessed friend who is super excited for this. She owns 2 corgis at the moment.
  19. Hey, look, I hate your politics, but I've been too harsh at times toward you and I'm sorry for that part. I've let myself get worked up some lately and I regret it. Just look at me and @Biggie. We've been at each others' throats here at times, but now we get along pretty well. Just depends on the subject. I'm cool talking with you about other shit. Perhaps this is the start of a better future. I'll make an effort.
  20. I think I once hit a rabbit at night that darted in front of me and I think a bird. I've been lucky so far. I remember one time my dad's friend hit an owl one night. It survived, but I think it may have been blinded and had a broken wing. We actually kept it in our shop overnight and took it the the Game and Fish center the next day. Crazy, seeing a live owl that close. It was pretty cool to stroke the feathers. I have a fondness for raptors.
  21. Well, I ain't gonna put myself in danger, but I'm generally not speeding through my suburban neighborhood, either.
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